Her smile

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I stood there watching them.

After about 15 minutes they both stood up, they hugged, German kissed her hand and they left. I walked behind German as we were walking to his house. He didn't notice me and I let it be like that.

He looked happy. Was it because of that woman? I still don't know where I have seen her before. I watched the ground as I was walking. 50 meters before the house? German saw me.



'I didn't see you.'

'No you didn't.'

'Sooo... uhm... how is Violetta doing with school?' He asked awkwardly

'We will see, I can only answer that at the end of her lesson.'

'Okay. You can eat with us, if you want.'

'Yeah, thanks.'

We entered the house and I immediately went to Violetta's room, I know she wouldn't be anywhere else. In her room she can still sing a bit if she wants to.

But before we even greeted, Olga called for dinner.

Violetta and I went back downstairs and I sat next to her. German avoided my eye-contact.

'I made your favourite Miss Angie.' Olga said. I smiled.

'Thank you Olga. That wasn't necessary, haha.'

'So Angie, are you also searching for a job?'

Ramallo asked.

'Not yet, first I want to enjoy my holiday a bit, and I have to learn the language. Then I will go start looking.'

Violetta's phone rang, she jumped up.

'No! Violetta! Not during dinner!'

'But it is Cami, dad! This is the only time being able to speak to them regarding the time-difference.' And without waiting for German's response she run upstairs and picked up the phone.

'She is so irresponsible.'

German muttered.

Olga and Ramallo looked at me, knowing I was going to response on that nonsense.

'And treating her like that, won't change that... if there is any need to change her. She is perfect the way she is.'

'I don't want to change her but her behaviour.'

I sighed and started to eat.

As Violetta was done calling she walked downstairs with a big smile on her face.

'Is that not something you love to see? Her smile? Make sure she keeps that and think about what made her smile like that.' I whisper to German.

He said nothing but his eyes were enough for me. He knew I was right.

After dinner I was going to teach Violetta but before I could go after her, German grabbed my arm.

'I want to talk to you about Violetta's education when you are done, remember?"


Violetta already had her books on her lap but as soon as I entered she throw them away.

'Angieeeee! Let's do some quiet singing exercises, pleaseeeeee.'

I smiled, she was so much a-like her mother.

We sang quietly and we spend our last hour doing maths. But Violetta wasn't concentrated and motivated like she used to. I could recognize that a part of her was missing. It made me sad. Though, I didn't say anything about it to her, not wanting to make her upset even more.

'Angie. I really can't live like this. I miss my piano. I have this amazing melody in my head and I can't work it out.'

'Oh baby. I also didn't bring a keyboard with me, where is yours?'

'In Buenos Aires. My dad didn't want to sell the house so it is still ours, as long as mom's stuff are still there.'

'Hmm. I see.'

'I will go and look for a solution, okay. Pablo arrived today, maybe he will have one.'

'Really? Oh can I see him? Can I visit your apartment soon, and grandmom?'

'Sure! You can come tomorrow if your dad let you. I gotta go, okay? I will text you tomorrow morning.'

'Yeah.' I kissed her forehead and went.



German was sitting on the couch and when he saw me he looked up. I going to sit next to him.

'So... how is she doing?' German asked.

'What do you think?'

'I don't know, you tell me?'

'She is doing bad, German. It is influencing her schoolwork. A part of her is missing and as long as she doesn't have it back, she can't concentrate herself. And don't say that that will come, because if you don't let her, that part will always be missing.'

'Maybe, you remind her to much of that missing part as you like to say it. If it doesn't go better than I have to look for someone else, Angie , a professional.'

'I honestly can't believe you. Even a professional won't help... but try it, fire me then, you will find that it won't help. Music is her life, you can't change that. How much you want to, you need to accept it, and if you don't want to and she becomes 18, you will never see her again, German. Make the right choices for HER.'

'We are done talking, Angie.'

'Music is what keeps her close to Maria and Violetta is what keeps you close to Maria. Don't forget about her, German.'

I went home.

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