A suprise

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'Can you all leave us alone for a minute?'

Ramallo and Violetta left.

'Your daughter needs me, German.' I took a step towards him.

'NO! No she doesn't. She was perfectly happy when you didn't enter her life, and when you did, I lost her.'

'That says more about you then about me, if she was sooooooo happy then, how could you lose her so easily?'

'That says more about you, you made her go crazy!'

'There is big difference in letting a girl living her dream and saying she went crazy.'

'I said that you could see her, but not every day.'

'You are so selfish. You care more about yourself then about her. You let your fears get in the way of her happiness. Maria would have never wanted this.'

'NO WE WOULD NEVER KNOW WHAT SHE WANTED BECAUSE SHE IS DEAD.' German eyes were fulfilling with tears. He stared at the floor.

'You can't stop her from singing, German. Her mother lives in her, and Maria lives in me... and if there is anything left of her in you, you knew I am right-' I stopped. A teardrop fell on the ground.

I couldn't resist it. I walked over to him and hugged him.

After a minute he pulled away.

'You are hired.' He said and left into his office, and locked the door.

Violetta came back and hugged me.

'Are you going to move in here?'

'No not yet, it is better if I wait for some time, that your father can get used of me being around here again. When he is, maybe I will come back.'

Violetta hugged me harder and snuggled her head in my hair.

'Miss Angie, it is good to have you back.'

'We will see Ramallo, we will see, just let him for now.'

I pulled back from Violetta but I was still holding her.

'I will come back later, okay. This afternoon. You remember where we left the last time.'

'Yes. I love you.' Violetta said.

'I love you too.' I waved and and said bye and went out.

This wasn't going to be easy, but it was a step. I was walking back the hotel.

Suddenly a cab stopped at the pavement but I passed him.


I turned around.


I wanted to hug him.

'Wait a minute.' He said. He paid the cab driver and took out his suitcase.

'You can hug me now.' He laughed and smiled. I hugged him, and it made me relax. Then he wanted to kiss me.

'Not in public.' I pulled him away.

He took my hand.

'Why are you so early?' I asked, still being suprised.

'It didn't take that long as we expected with U-mix and when you texted me yesterday that you missed me, I couldn't wait longer.'

'Awwwh, I love you so much.'

'So... how is everything going?'

'I am Violetta's tutor again.'

Pablo sighed.

'No, no, no, Angie.'

'Pablo, stop. I am not going to live there.'

'Okay, that is better. How did he let you?'

'I think I kinda played with his feelings. Come, I will show you my apartment, kinda penthouse.'

We didn't talk about Violetta nor German the rest of the trip.

Pablo was incredibly suprised when I showed him my part of the penthouse, it was seperated by my mother's part of the penthouse, by one door in the middle.

As soon as Pablo inspected my 'house', he grabbed my waist and pulled me against the wall.

'Now you can kiss me.' He said with a grin.

And he kissed me.

We were disturbed by a knock on the door. It was my mom.

She greeted Pablo very welcoming.

We went sitting on the sofa and we talked and talked. Mom totally caught up with Pablo. After a while she said. 'Let's get some dinner together.'

'Uhm. I am not in. I have to teach, Violetta remember.' Pablo looked a bit sad and disgusted at me, the disgusting part because of German.

'Well okay, shall we have some room service then, Pablo?'

Pablo nodded with a smile.

'Bye.' I kissed Pablo on his cheek and went out.

As I stepped into the lobby, I saw German, sitting, again, with the same woman.

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