Chapter 34 - When tomorrow comes where will you be?

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I would have forgiven her after I walked into her office seeing Lexi  stripped down. I should have trusted my wife. Deep down I knew she would never cheat on me.

"Here you go 79."The nurse says simply turning away leaving us there to slowly walk into the room that held my beautiful perfect wife.

When I eyes landed on her I handed Bailey to her grandma and almost ran over to Beth. I was crying and kissing her. I kissed her bewildered face hugging her tightly. She had her leg in a cast and her head overed in bandage. Stroking my hand over her cheek slowly I smiled at her facing her looking at me curiously.

"How are you feeling honey?"Her mom ask making her turn her attention away from me and look at her mother curiously and smile slightly.

"I feel like I drank way too much and there is an elephant on my head. Also I'm pretty worried about what my hair looks like under this thing."She says making us all giggle more to relief knowing Beth was still Beth.

"Do you remember what happened?"I asked caressing her cheek making her flinch away and shake her head frowning at me. Was she angry at me?


"I don't remember what happened."She says looking up at her tv.

"You are still a little blurry on that hey babe?"I ask her touching her hand slightly


Her mother looks at me and looks at Beth. "Honey how about you hold Bailey for a while, while I go and call Kim?" She says to Beth making Beth frown deeper and hold Bailey on her lap

"I'm really tired actually.."She says

Why was she acting strange? Bailey was reaching out to her but she was just holding her on her lap looking at her.

"She missed you.."I say smiling at Beth "I'm so happy you are okay baby."

She looked like she wanted to say something but then looked at the door and smiled brightly. She handed me Bailey and I took her seeing Bailey starting to cry still reaching out to Beth.

I looked to the door and saw Kim standing there hugging her body looking at Beth. "You scared me you dumbass."Kim says walking up to Beths bedside and I grew a little cold, scared.

"I'm not letting you get my millions just yet."Beth smiled and Kim hugged her tightly until Beth started hurting.

I sat there feeling like I didn't even exist, like she was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

As the doctor walks into the hospital room I see her glance at me and turn back to the doctor. I leaned over and took her hand in mine. She looked at our hands for longer than imaginable. Longer than was nessasary. Long enough the both of us to notice and leaving the rest of the people in the dark.

"Good morning the Williams family."He smiled walk towards Beth's. "So how are you feeling today?"

"Just grand doc. Really liking this accessory."She points to her cast

"4 to 6 weeks Misses Williams. Be sure that she does not walk on this leg."He looks over at me and I nod at him smilling

"I will strap her to the bed if I have to."I say seeing her taking her hand out of mine.

Beth frowned deeper now and looked at me confused. "Hannah what are you talking about. What are you doing?" She asks harshly

"Beth she was concerned about you I'm sure she isn't really going to strap you to the bed. You know what I really don't want to know if she is or if she isn't."Kim laughs

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