Chapter 19 - Christmas part 1

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Hey guys this is your Christmas present from me.
Somehow I know you are going to love it!

Remember to comment and if you haven't yet please follow me.

Hannah P.O.V

"So remind me again why it is okay that you will be spending Christmas with your ex girlfriend?"My beautiful red haired girlfriend asks skeptically laying on my bed

"Babe we are just friends besides it's a tradition I have with her family. You do know Kim right? My best friend."

"I understand that you are usually with all of them on Christmas and that it is Austin's Birthday tomorrow as well but you can't blame me for being a little insecure right now. I don't want to be the kind of girlfriend who says you can't go somewhere it just scares me. I don't trust her."

"You don't trust who?"

"Beth. "Fae says climbing out of bed pulling on her pants and shirt

I guess you could say we haven't exactly come to an agreement on the whole me leaving for a week part yet and seeing as I'm flying down tonight I would really like her to be okay with it. I don't want her to be over here thinking that I am with Beth and wondering what we are doing the whole time.

To be honest I had not seen this relationship going this far and I'm glad it has because I am really crazy about the girl. Sometimes I just need to go back home and remind myself where I come from and be around my people. Sometimes I would like not to worry about what time Fae gets off work and actually just enjoy my day and not plan so far ahead. That was the big difference that I have noticed recently between my current and former lover.

"Please can you just say you trust me and not worry when I'm over there. Just be okay with this and you will get like extreme brownie points."

"Your mom is going to kill me for not showing up with you to our Christmas dinner and already told I trust you I just don't trust her. Han we have been dating for almost seven months now and we are still getting to know each other but I don't see how you spending a day with your ex is going to better our relationship. I'm not going to be okay with that."She says looking at me expectantly

"Well I'm sorry if you aren't happy about it but that is the way it is. Can't-"

"I'm late for work I should go."She says shaking her head brushing past me with her purse in hand.

I hated upsetting her but this was one thing I was not willing to compromise. I always told myself that I wouldn't let anyone get in the way of my relationship with my second family that includes beautiful red heads that make me shiver and smile and madly turn me on.

I didn't bother trying to call knowing she wouldn't answer at this point I should just talk to her after she cooled off. I wonder if she is even going to come say goodbye to me tonight at the airport. I hope so because she is suppose to take my car.

Kim P.O.V

I hated world history damn I hated it. I hate being undeclared and having to take a world of subjects. The only good thing about this class was that I had a perfect view of Kevin from here. I doubt he noticed me staring. It's been three months and we haven't exactly been talking other than Austin and school. He could even have a girlfriend for all I knew but my better guess was that he was doing exactly what I had instructed being my friend with no other attachments.

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