Chapter 25 - You make everything better

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Authors Note

Hey guys I'm back with a new chapter!
As promised more cuteness!
This chapter is one of my favorite and
hopefully it will be for you too

I can't wait to read what you guys think is going to happen next and how you all feel about Hannah and Beth!!



Hannah P.O.V

Doctors offices oh how I hated them. I remember countless days sitting in my mom's office wanting to see her knowing full well I couldn't. It was in my teenage years that I tried and failed at building a relationship with my mother. At around sixteen I started spending more time over at Kim's house feeling accepted and loved in ways that I was not used to.

I wonder what my mother said to my father when she found out about our attempt at getting pregnant. I figured that she wouldn't have much to say to anything good I'm sure. Still it bothered me that our baby will grow up with only one grandmother. I would have to try and think of reasons why my mother wasn't around and try to explain that she loves him or her even if she's not around. I would have to lie to my kid hoping it was for their own good.

"Hannah Banana are you nervous?"My best friend asks derailing my train of thought and I smiled at that feeling butterflies inside of my tummy nodding profusely.

"Unbelievably nervous. Thanks again for coming with I know you have college and all."I said taking her hand in mine

"I know you would rather have Beth here but I figure that you have to settle for me."She grinned showing all her teeth and giving my hand a slight squeeze. "Don't worry about college there was no way I was letting you come here alone."

I checked my phone missing Beth already and seeing a message from her instantly made me smile. She hated that she couldn't be here and of course I had to make her feel a little bit guilty. I knew she had an important meeting and that she really couldn't be here but if it meant that I got ice cream than making here feel a little guilty was okay with me.

Beth : Hey my beautiful wife. I am sitting in this meeting thinking about you when I should actually be paying attention. You always seem to take over my thoughts. Just know that my heart is with you even if I am not. I've gotta go mullet guy is giving me the stick eye. I love you

Oh how I freaking love her but still making her feel guilty is one of the perks..

Me: Wish you were here but I understand. I can't wait to see you tonight whether everything goes good or bad you make everything better.

I sent the message and put the phone in my handbag looking over at Kim "What?"I ask feeling myself smiling uncontrollably.

"Nothing it's just nice to see you happy Han."Kim smiles laying her head down on my lap as the doctor comes in.

He smiles warmly picking up my file and looking back towards me and Kim "Good Morning ladies it's nice to meet you."He says walking towards us "My named Doctor Henderson. "

"Good morning doctor I'm Hannah Williams and this is Kim Williams my-"

"Your wife of course I am so happy to see the both of you. You know when I read on your file that you were married and saw it was to a woman it brought such a smile to my face. Isn't  it just amazing how medicine was evolved to give to woman a family. I have to say it truly is an honor to be a part of this."He gushes making me smile and thank god for giving me this doctor.

18 & Over! (Lesbian Stories)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora