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I haven't updated in a while so let's recap the last chapter.
(If you don't care to know the reason for my absence skip to the recap).

I had a lot of family drama going on. The biggest one that shook me to the core was almost losing my little brother, he was in the hospital and it was just hard for me to manage. I just needed some time away from everything. Y'all I did not have a hot girl summer it was more of a sad stressed girl type of shit. My relationship was a bit rocky too adding to the stress, mind you I love this boy more than words can explain so it was hard, I failed the city girls big time. Then when I was finally ready to start writing again I noticed that I was logged out of this and I couldn't remember my password or worst the email I used. I Created this account at 13...I turned 20 earlier this week so yeah it took awhile to figure that out. Anyways I haven't neglected y'all and I'm sorry for going MIA but I'm back for good. (I'm starting my second year next week in University but not to fret I'll try to keep the updates rolling.)

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐲𝐧𝐧𝐞...

Cody was suspicious about how radio silence their sister was. They recently found out she was behind the mass murder and was back with a vengeance in a conquest too to find the cure. He and Tyler also noticed how the witch Priscilla who had helped them was also MIA.

After spending the day with Hazel, Tyler connected some dots which led him to speculate that Hazel's mom girlfriend Priscilla and the witch they knew may be the same person. Hence the quest for the journal from her mother but why?

Cody had advise Tyler to team up with James for the benefit of his quest. Out of basic morals he thought that wouldn't be a wise choice to team up with the enemy against his own blood. That later came to bite Tyler in the ass when his sister instead teamed up with James and exposed them all to Hazel.

Earlier that day...

Hazel had been going through the journals she had found with her bestfriend Cole. They discovered a lot but the biggest of them all was the secret behind the necklace that was passed down to her. That same necklace was activated and prevented her from being manipulated by Tyler. Allowing her to know the truth.

Which brings us here...

17. We Are One
Hazel Michelson

I spent days and countless nights doing the little research I could at the library, on the internet and at the media house

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I spent days and countless nights doing the little research I could at the library, on the internet and at the media house. There was little to no information, the only thing I could find were new stories that could be linked back to them. Along with that picture that I know for sure now was in fact Tyler. It was hard doing all of this and still smiling in his face acting as if he got what he wanted. I knew the necklace was activated I only showed uncertainty in the hopes of him falling for it and I'm surprised he didn't see right through that. I kept my headspace empty when he was around after finally realizing that it could easily be invaded.

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