We walked all the way to the lab. ALL THE WAY. when we get there all the lights are off and Nancy and Jonathan are there already. Steve and Dustin start talking to them while I sit down on the grass and try to catch my breath. "Shit,Jesus, Jesus, jesus mother fudging Christ"
"Y/n what's wrong?" Steve asks worried when he hears me
"M-my leg" I say wincing when lucas touches my leg with his foot
Suddenly the powers back on and Dustin and Jonathan are trying to open the gate again. The gate finally opens. We're about to walk inside when Nancy and Jonathan are already in the car driving inside.

I'm seated inside the gate keeper booth when hopper pulls up. Steve picks me up and Carries me into hoppers car. I'm seated on Max's lap
I look at Steve and mouth at him 'are you serious?' He nods and hops in after me.

Max's POV

Y/n is fast asleep in the Byers couch as hoppers on the phone and everyone else is chatting. I walk into the lounge room when I hear someone moving on the couch. Nancy helped me wrap y/n's leg while she was asleep but by the looks of it. It's going to take a while to heal. I see y/n standing up and walking towards me "hey red"
"Hey stalker" I say pulling her into a hug. Once we pull away we both walk into the kitchen and sit down (me in the seat I was seated at before and her on the table)
"We can't stop those demo-dogs in our own" Dustin states
"Demo-dogs?" I ask
"Demogorgon dogs" he moves his hands "demo-dogs"
"It's like a compound" y/n sighs shaking her head. I look at her confused "it's like a play in words-"
"Okay" I but in.

"I mean when it was just dart.maybe"
"But there's an army now" lucas states
"His army" mike says looking down
"What do you mean?" Steve and y/n say at the same time. They have been spending way to much time together
"His army" mike says louder looking at me "maybe if we stop him, we-"
"We can stop his army,too" y/n cuts mike off throwing her hands in the air like it was obvious. Mike gets up and we all follow. He hands y/n and Dustin a photo
"the shadow monster" Dustin states
"It got will that day on the field. The doctor said it was like a virus, it infected him"
"And so this virus, it's connection him to the tunnels?"

Your POV

"To the tunnels,monsters,the upside down, everything" mike states
"Who's,slow down. Slow down" Steve states making me giggle slightly
"Okay so Stevie. The shadow monsters inside everything. And if the vines feel something like...like pain. Will does too" I state looking at him making him nod
"And so does dart" lucas adds
"Yeah. Like what Mr Clarke taught us. The hive mind" I state
"Hive mind?" Steve asks
"A collective consciousness. It's a super-organism" Dustin explains
"And this is the thing that controls everything. It's the brain" I say pointing to the photo
"Like the mind flayer" Dustin says
Everyone looks at him. We are all silent for a few seconds before in break the silence "exactly...like the mind flayer"
"The what?" Max asks at the same time as Steve asks "what?"

Dustin places a book down on the table and explains to everyone what the mind flayer is while I sit on the couch and look at the bandage on my leg. "You okay, pretty girl?" Max asks sitting down beside me. Did she just call me pretty girl?!?
"Yeah. It just hurts a lot" I explain while running my hands over the bandage
"I know y/n but it's okay" max grabs my arm and places my hand in her own, running circles on the back of my hand.

After we all go through the plan we finally start to 'redecorate' the Byers shed. Me not being able to walk I just hand things to Steve until Nancy and him start talking so I limp out letting them talk. I walk over to where Dustin and Lucas are going through some trash
"I broke the rule of law, so if you want your girlfriend.." girlfriend?! Is dustin talking about max?
"She's not my girlfriend" Lucas says disappointed. I know it's wrong but I focus on trying to read their minds or do what I've been doing over the past few weeks to see their thoughts. They are talking about max. Max and Lucas? I shake my head and walk inside to see max and Mike sitting on the floor
"I get why El was your mage now" max says smiling to herself
"Lucas. He told me all about her."
"Yeah well he shouldn't have. And just because you know the truth, doesn't mean you're in our party. You don't know that right?"
"Mike What is your problem man?" I ask lipping over to a seat and sitting down
"Max has helped us all a lot. She's saved us. I mean on the bus, jeez. I could have died if she didn't hit the demo-dog with that bat. And Lucas and Dustin too. She's the reason we're still alive man. The reason we're still here" I lie before winking at max "she's cool mike, and kind, and funny, and smart. She's also kind of a skater nerd. She's one of us mike. She could be our zoomer"
"I could. But who would want a stupid zoomer in their party anyways?"
"Me" I state. Mike walks away leaving max and I
"Thanks stalker" mad sighs
"Welcome" I say before standing "let's go help"

After quite a long time everything finished and ready to go. Max and I are sitting in the hallways together talking she looks scared "if he finds out where we are...will he send those dogs after us?"
"He won't find out red. And if he does. I'll protect you" I say moving so I'm sitting next to her.she wipes my noise before She puts her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arms around her waist. After a while she falls asleep on me.

After a while hopper bursts threw the door waking max up. We get up and walk over to the table "I think he's talking, just not with words" he writes down something I recognise as Morse code
"What is that?"
"Morse code" I say before anyone else. I go to stand behind hopper and examine it "h-e-r-e....here" I say taking the pen and paper and writing it down. Max and everyone else look at me in disbelief "sorry" I mumble before walking away over to max
"Never apologise for being the smartest one in the room" Steve ruffles my hair
"Wills still in there. He's talking to us" hopper states. They continue to talk to 'will' while us other kids are translating he Morse code. All of us are standing around the table sorting out the Morse code until we have a sentence than the phone starts to ring making us all jump.
"Shit, shit" dustin says running over and lifting the phone and than slamming it back down. It starts to ring again so I rip it off the wall and throw it onto the ground

"That's not good" I say when we hear growling. Nancy takes a gun from hopper who has another, lucas has a slingshot, Steve a bat with nails and myself my pole. There's snarling and growling from outside making all us jump and move around. The noise stops and something gets thrown there the window. It's a dead demo-dog
"Holy shit" I say loudly
"Is it dead?" Max says gripping the back of my shirt. I move closer and kick it with my foot gently "that son of a bitch is dead alright" I say before the door creaks. The lock turns and the door opens slowly. Making us all hold up our weapons just in case. And in walks... a girl? We all put our weapons down.

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