Chapter 4

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George's POV:

I couldn't help the smile as I watched my beautiful wife pace across the floor of our bedroom and back again. She had started an hour or two ago after ensuring the kids were all packed and ready to go and were actually staying put in bed tonight. Since then, she hasn't stopped pacing across our bedroom floor, all while Moonlight and I watch her from across the room on the bed. I couldn't hide the smile as she finally stopped pacing and turned to face me. I already knew what she was worried about, but she was still worrying even after I told her it would be fine.

"Georgie, is she ready for Hogwarts?" (K)

"Kitty love, why would she not be? She'll have Fred, Dmitri, and Teddy to watch over her. Eliza will be there for her just as Scarlett was for you." (G)

"What if she isn't ready to go?" (K)

"Kitty, she wants to go love. Could you be the one to tell her she couldn't go this year when her best friend is going?" (G)

"You know that I could never do that but........I wasn't even sent to school until my third year. What if she loses control or what if the other children are mean to her or-" (K)

"What if the sky turns to fire and her nose falls off?" (G)

"I don't need you to quote no-maj movies at me George. This is serious." (K)

I stood up from the bed and crossed the room, resisting making a joke about Sirius, though I knew he would be honored if I had. I gently pull her into my chest before she could start pacing again, wearing both the floor and herself out if she were to continue. I felt her slowly relax as I ran my fingers through her curls, her arms eventually wrapping around me as mine were her.

"Kitty love, it will be alright. You honestly think McGonagall or Neville, let alone Fred, Teddy, and Dmitri, would let anything happen to her? Bloody hell Kitty, she's your daughter." (G)

"Exactly George!" (K)

"You know that isn't what I meant love. The respect that you earned from everyone that year as a Professor at Hogwarts is legendary. There won't be a pureblood or halfblood student that won't have known or won't hear about what you did for everyone, just as Fred said was the case his first year and even last year." (G)

"Fred is different George, he isn't-" (K)

"Don't say it love. It isn't a curse, it's a gift that you both share. And besides, if Fred didn't get into so much trouble he would have been the newest Gryffindor Golden Boy I tell you. And as for our she will be even more loved because she is exactly like you love." (G)

"And the ones that don't see her in such a positive way?" (K)

"We'll deal with that when and if it happens love. For now, we just have to hope that everything will be alright." (G)

"If you're wrong.......I solemnly swear that I'll never let you live it down Georgie." (K)

"Trust me I know Kitty. I know, and I wouldn't have it any other way." (G)

I felt her smile against my chest before I scooped her up in my arms and carried her back to bed. A small laugh escaped her mouth before she cast silencing charms around the room. I smirked a bit as I pulled her down closer to me and kissed her for the first time of many tonight. I knew that she was still a bit worried about Roxie leaving for school tomorrow but for now she was relaxed and that was all I could ask for I suppose.

******************Just outside of Glascow*********************
Edwin's POV:

"But I don't understand.....why am I not starting school this year Edwin?" (*)

"As I've told you before your.....mother wanted you start during your third year so we could make sure your training is advanced enough for you to succeed." (Edwin)

"Very well then. May I be excused?" (*)

"To bed, yes. You have training tomorrow." (Edwin)

I watched as the now eleven year old boy that my mistress bade me raise under her instructions left from the table and went up to his room. I had followed my instructions thus far, having ensured that he received no love from anyone not even myself.  He was not mistreated, as i needed him to trust me and respect me, but I showed him no love.

Though, I admit, I was growing to care for him like a son with each passing day spent training the boy. His skills at his age alone were great, and I knew that had his fate not been sealed by my mistress that he would have had a bright future ahead of him. Though I would have to remember his purpose and not let my feelings get in the way. The very idea that I didn't care about him past what my mistress wanted me to do with him was just a pretty lie I told myself and at times him.

I knew what he would be instructed to do when he started at Hogwarts his fifth year, as her instructions had stated quite plainly. She had nearly every detail of his life planned out, even his own death following the death of the young dhampir and if he was truly successful the dhampir's brother. There were days that I hated myself for ever swearing an unbreakable vow to her, but then I remind myself that I had not done it another harsher and crueler follower would have. At least with me, the boy isn't beaten every day as he would have been under a few of her other followers had they eluded capture.

Besides, I am loyal to my mistress over this boy. He may be missed a bit after his part is completed but my loyalties to my mistress will win out. I swore an unbreakable vow to her, not to the boy, and I will fulfill my vow. I have to fulfill my vow. 

Narrator's POV:

Little did Edwin know that the idea that his loyalties to his mistress would hold out were all just a pretty lie he told to himself. The boy was taking a much larger place in the man's heart then he would so willingly acknowledge. The boy was kind in nature despite his harsh treatment, and he was intelligent for his age. Yes, disposing of the boy as easily as his mistress wanted him to do once the task was complete would be no easy task as he had told himself it would. No, the pretty lie that the boy mattered little would soon hit Edwin and he would realize how wrong he was.

Pretty Lies-Book 1 of Roxanne Weasley's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now