Chapter 2

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Kat's POV:

I had paused outside the door for a moment to see if the two children would actually get along and I was rewarded with Roxanne trying her best to be friends with the young Malfoy. I smiled a bit before turning my attention back to Draco and motioning him to lead the way. He gave a slightly stiff nod that reminded me of his father for a moment before he began to speak in what was a much more civil tone that he had used when we were children.

"She seems much like you Katherine." (D)

"Oh Merlin let's hope not, I caused far too much trouble or found myself in too much trouble as a child. Let's hope our children are both better than we were growing up." (K)

"I can only hope that he is." (D)

"He seemed like a sweet child Draco, very well-mannered and even a bit shy." (K)

"You sound surprised by that, though no doubt you've heard the rumors of his parentage I suppose." (D)

I knew the rumors that he spoke of almost instantly. I had rolled my eyes and found myself muttering in the kitchen on the night they were first whispered. Suppose I was more like my own mother and George's in that aspect than I originally expected. The rumor that Draco's son was really the son of Voldemort not only seemed to irritate me, but just plain infuriated me.

"Yes I have, yet the only scent I smell from him is that of yours and Astoria's combined. You should rest easy about the rumors my friend, only the dim will believe them." (K)

I hear him mumble 'I hope so,' but I didn't acknowledge it as we approached the room where Astoria was resting. I pause a few feet from the door, listening closely, knowing that she is asleep right now. Draco stops next to me and looks up in question before I turn to face him.

"Draco......I am no healer of witches so why ask me here and not a healer." (K)

I watched as he ran his hands through his blond hair and a look of despair and hopelessness crosses his face. I smelt the despair and grief and worry in his scent grow only stronger, before he looked back up at me and spoke in what was the sound of a broken man's voice.

"The healers said they've done all they could do. I had no one else I could turn too, I only knew that out of everyone I could ask for help you were one of the only ones that wouldn't say no. We both know that there may not be anything you can do for us, but if you could just help relieve some of her pain in some way that would be enough." (D)

"I will do everything that I can Draco, you have my word." (K)

His eyes held onto hope for the briefest of moments and I yearned to be able to give him more than just that single moment of hope, but I knew that my skills would be limited in this respect. He softly opened the door and walked over to his wife who was asleep in bed. Even as ill as she was, she was still just as beautiful and happy looking in her sleep as she was on their wedding day and it brings a soft smile to my face.

"Astoria, love......" (D)

I watched as he gently waked her from her rest, a look of utmost love passing over both their faces and in their scents. I smiled knowing that he and she had found the one they were meant to be with, even if God and fate had it where they would not be together for long.

"Draco love, what is it?" (Astoria)

"Darling, Katherine is here." (D)

I watched from the doorway as he helped her sit up before taking a seat beside her on the bed. I never thought I'd see the day when a Malfoy wasn't acting in the utmost proper way, but then again this is his wife's life we are talking about. I saw her smile at me as they both beckoned me to come into the room. I returned her soft smile with one of my own as I walked in.

"Professor Weasley, it's an honor to see you again." (As.)

"Astoria, as I told you once before I haven't been a professor since that one year at Hogwarts. Please just call me Katherine. How are you feeling?" (K)

"I've been better, but I have never been happier. I have a loving husband and a beautiful son, did you meet him?" (As.)

"I did, my second child Roxanne is keeping him company downstairs right now. Would you mind if I ran a few tests of my own to see if there is anything I could do to help you?" (K)

"Of course not, please do." (As.)

I gave her a soft nod as I vamped out to get a better idea of just how sick she was, and I could smell the hint of death that lingered and the scent of bad blood. I could smell her pain mixing with her happiness and I knew that there was little I could do other than help with the pain. I unvamped before opening my bag and pulling out several vials of tears, both mine and Roxanne's. I placed them all on the dresser, before summoning a cup and some hot water. I added some pepper-up potion to it along with a few drops of tears and helped her drink it.

Once she was finished I watched a bit of color returned to her pale cheeks, and I smiled as she smiled at me. Even Draco smiling some, before I wrote the instructions to the concoction on a piece of parchment for him, finally turning back to them and sitting on the chair next to them.

"I will not are on borrowed time Astoria. My tears and Roxanne's tears, they can help take away the pain but the cause I cannot remove. I can't even offer you immortality because as Aleric has learned in the past people with cursed blood don't live through the transformation. I am so sorry I can't do more." (K)

"How long do you think?" (As.)

"Dear let's not think of that right now." (D)

"No, I want to know Draco. How long do you think Katherine?" (As.)

"I think you'll see Scorpius off to Hogwarts but I don't think you will see him graduate. I'm so sorry." (K)

"That's longer than most healers give me. Thank you. How can we ever repay you?" (As.)

"Tears are free my dear, and at my house they come in abundance, especially around full moons, believe me. When you run out owl me and I will come over with more." (K)

"Thank you Katherine, this means so much to us both. We can never thank you enough, we-" (D)

"MUM! DAD!" (S)

"Scorpius, what's wrong?!?" (D)

Almost immediately Draco and I were both standing with wands out, as Astoria stayed in bed with wide fearful eyes as the door was flung open and an excited looking Scorpius ran in. He ran up to his mother before climbing gently into the bed with her, smiling as she ruffled his hair.

"What is it my sweet?" (As.)

I watched as Roxanne came running into the room too, motioning to him to be quiet but he didn't see her. I squinted at her wondering what she had done, knowing that there are several things she could have done to make him this excited and one of them is something she doesn't have complete control over yet as she well knows.

"Roxie can do something really cool, she's got fangs that come out of her mouth and her eyes change colors." (S)

"That is cool isn't it love, but did you know that Mrs. Weasley here can do that too. She was the one that watched over us all that year in Hogwarts. If you ask her she might show you." (As.)

I let out a sigh knowing that this time we were lucky he thought it was cool as Roxanne was still having difficulty controlling her vamping out. However, she may have done it on purpose if she was trying to eavesdrop on us up here, something else we will need to discuss when we get home. I smile towards little Scorpius and vamp out, hearing him let out an impressed noise as I do.

A few minutes later and we were saying goodbye to Astoria, Scorpius, and finally Draco as he walked with us back to the fireplace. I had given Astoria and little Scorpius a hug before leaving, knowing that the next few years would be precious to them all. I looked at Draco to say goodbye but he surprised me by hugging me and thanking me in a whisper as his eyes began to shine with unshed tears.

I smiled a bit as I told him I was happy to help him and Astoria, for it was true. Not a minute later and Roxanne and I were standing in our own living room where she was still avoiding looking at me.

Pretty Lies-Book 1 of Roxanne Weasley's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now