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Narrator's POV:

In a small dark room, a woman with black hair and even blacker looking eyes sat glaring at the man that had come to disturb her in her moment of planning. Her chances of attacking and succeeding now were minimal and she knew it. The war was coming to a final close as the rest of the followers were being rounded up.

She faced capture next and she knew it, but she felt no fear as she knew that her plan would be followed and her revenge would be achieved against the little bloodsucker, even if indirectly. The unbreakable vow that the man before her was under ensured her of this if nothing else. He may have been inept at many things but she knew that he would not fail her in this. 

"Mistress, what shall we do with it if you are taken."

"Follow through with the plan. I will see this family feel the pain and suffering and loss that I have suffered. A child for a child, and I want one of hers."

"Mistress forgive me, but it would be easier to take revenge upon one of the other's children as they are easier to access."

"I don't care about what is easy! You will raise him as I have instructed, as you have sworn to do, and he will have his chance to avenge me, to avenge my brother, and to avenge my child! I want her daughter to be taken from her, ripped from her arms and her protection as mine was once ripped from me. Do you not understand that was my only reason for allowing the little urchin to exist in the first place?!?! It should have been destroyed as soon as it was discovered but I foresaw a usefulness for it."

"Yes mistress. Forgive me."

"Get out of my sight, I have no use for idle chatter such as this tonight. The plan will be followed through as was sworn to in your vow."

The man dashed out of the darkened room as quickly as he could after bowing to his mistress. Her mind stayed full of dark thoughts against the bloodsucker that she once had her eyes set on, but now she knew a way to get to her daughter. After all, she knew and had heard of the dhampir's willingness to undergo pain and suffering to protect others. Her own self-sacrificing nature was 'celebrated' by her family and the rest of the magical community.

So, she had reasoned that she was no longer an ideal target for her rage, for what fun would torturing and killing her be compared to doing such to her own daughter. A wicked laugh escaped the vile woman's laugh as she daydreamed about the anguish the dhampir would experience because of her plan set in motion, and she didn't notice the small figure walk into the room.


The woman's laughter died out in an instant as she turned towards the young boy of nine that believed her to be his mother. It was perhaps lucky she began lying to him as soon as she had taken him that he did not have the chance to realize that they were in no way related. Her black eyes, black hair and pale skin, were all in contrast to his unruly soft brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin tone.

A sneer worked itself onto her face as she stared at it, reminding herself that she needed it for her plan to work but that it would not be receiving any love from her or anyone for that matter. Part of the oath she made her servant swear to was that he would never show the pathetic little creature love. She needed him to be as ruthless as she would be if she could be the one to enact the plan, and as she glared at him standing before her she was intent on making sure that he was ruthless.

"What are you doing out of bed? You have training tomorrow. Get back to bed."

"But I......I had a bad dream."

"You had a bad dream.........get back to bed or I will make sure you have a bad night. You will train an extra hour tomorrow. Now. GO!"

She watched as the young boy turned around and ran back up the stairs to his room. He thought she was his mother and that he was training to avenge his family that had been taken away and killed in the war but that was all a pretty lie that she told him. She knew that soon enough she wouldn't have to keep up the lies face to face, as her trusted servant would do that for her.

Pretty Lies-Book 1 of Roxanne Weasley's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now