Chapter 1

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August 2013 (15 years after the Battle of Hogwarts)
Roxie's POV:

"Roxanne! If you're coming with me then we need to leave in two minutes!" (K)

"Coming mum!" (Roxie)

I don't know why she felt the need to shout, it's not like I don't have her hearing. I suppose it's because she's so used to shouting for Fred all the time, it's just become a habit for her to yell for both of us. I leave my wand behind, knowing that I'm not really supposed to use it outside our house anyway. I gently stroke Moonlight's fur and then Starlight's, one of her kittens that we kept when she gave birth to a litter a few years ago, before heading down the stairs.

I see mum offer me a smile but I can see her worry and concern that flitters in her eyes. I wonder why. I'm not a Legilimens like her, not yet anyway, so I can't find out that way. Maybe one day though. I don't think she's sad about school yet. We still have nearly a whole month before I get to leave for Hogwarts with Liz for the first time.

And Fred for once hasn't set his room on fire or exploded any new jokes in the house, well not yet anyway. Dad did accidently set one off in the living room the other day but mum can only stay mad at him for so long before she forgives him. So, it's not that either.

"Mum, what's wrong?" (Roxie)

"Roxanne, I must tell you something about the friends we're going to visit. Your father and uncles would not approve, but he has asked me for my help. Promise not to tell your father?" (K)

"But why mum?" (Roxie)

"It's something I need to tell him myself." (K)

"Alright I promise, but mum who are we going to see?" (Roxie)

"The Malfoys." (K)

I nodded my head as I heard her say the name that Uncle Ron always says with a bit of disgust while dad just seems to agree in silence. Uncle Harry doesn't say much about them but he never defends them as I've seen him do with other people that Uncle Ron doesn't get along with. I had always wondered why our family seemed to dislike the Malfoys, well except for mum.

She never said she liked them, but she never spoke against them and usually looked at dad with one of her famous pointed looks when he did. Anyone who knew mum knew that look meant you were in trouble for something. I took her hand as we stepped into the flames and flooed to what was apparently the Malfoy mansion. She summoned the soot off both of us before we stepped out into a huge living room.

I saw as a man with white blond hair, and grey eyes looked up at us from the chair. He quickly stood and walked towards us with his hand extended. I could smell his grief and torment grow stronger as he came closer. I felt mum tense and her hold on my hand tightened a bit as she looked around the room before she seemed to relax a bit. She looked to him with a soft smile before taking his hand in a firm handshake.

"Mrs. Weasley, thank you for coming." (D)

"Draco, please it's Katherine or Kat for old friends. Where is Astoria?" (K)

"She's.....she's upstairs. She wasn't feeling well enough to come down today so I was hoping you could visit her in her room." (D)

"I see....Draco this is my second child Roxanne. Roxanne this is a friend of mine from school, Mr. Draco Malfoy." (K)

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Malfoy." (Roxie)

"The same is said for me Miss Roxanne. I wonder if you wouldn't mind keeping my son Scorpius company while your mother and I talk with my wife for a bit." (D)

"Roxanne, would you?" (K)

"Sure mum." (Roxie)

I see the man give a small smile as we walk out of the room and into another room with brighter lighting and toys on the floor with a young boy about cousin Albus's age sitting on the floor coloring. He looks up and I see he looks a lot like his dad, with the same hair and eyes, and even a similar sadness in his smell. He offers a small smile before looking down at the crayons in his hand.

"Hullo." (Scorp)

"Hi Scorpius, I'm Roxanne but my friends call me Roxie. Can I color with you?" (Roxie)

I smile as he nods slowly, a larger smile on his face before both our parents tell us to behave and leaves us in the room before going upstairs. I look back to the young boy and can see that he's nervous, though I am mostly a stranger.

"Want to be friends?" (Roxie)

"S-sure I guess. I'm 6, how old are you?" (Scorp)

"Eleven and a half." (Roxie)

"Do you go to Hogwarts?" (Scorp)

"Not yet, I start this year. My older brother Fred starts third year this year, he's in Gryffindor." (Roxie)

"I'll probably be in Slytherin, my parents were." (Scorp)

I see his eyes fall at the idea but I don't see a problem with Slytherin though Uncle Ron might. Mum talks of many friends she made in Slytherin over the years, she's told us the story of her time at Hogwarts a few times already, and Professor Snape who was in Slytherin was always a great friend to her. Cousin Albus was even named for him, or at least his middle name. I smile at Scorpius, trying to cheer him up a bit.

"They have pretty colors, the dark green and silver. I don't know where I'll be but I think any house will be fine." (Roxie)

I see his smile light up a bit before we both start coloring again. He talks in an animated voice about random things, like quidditch and my dad's store with all the cool pranks and his pet owl Artemis. He isn't that much different from Albus really, calmer than James that's for sure. I only wish he was older then maybe we could start Hogwarts together, but I'll have Liz, Dmitri, Fred, Teddy, and who knows how many cousins there so I can't complain too much I suppose.

"Do you wanna play exploding snap Roxie?" (Scorp)

"Maybe, want to see if I can hear what's going on upstairs? But you have to be quite and not tell anyone I do this ok?" (Roxie)

"Ok." (Scorp)

Pretty Lies-Book 1 of Roxanne Weasley's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now