Chapter 16

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1 week later

"Kayla wake up honey." I woke up to Alana shaking me. This lady doesn't get enough of shaking me out of my sleep. I groaned looking at her with a stale face. She just laughed.

"Get up boo. You have to get to group and I can't take you so Chris is taking you. And he has an important meeting do he's taking you a bit early." She dragged the covers off of me and left the room. I could've cried when she said Chris has to take me. I've avoided talking to him ever since I told him I didn't feel shit for him. He hasn't even tried to talk to me so that made it better, but we haven't been alone since then. I groaned and got out of bed going into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then threw on a pink hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans. I left my hair down in its curly state and went downstairs. Chris was sitting on the couch looking at his phone. I cleared my throat. He looked up, but avoided eye contact.

"Ma we finna roll out!" He yelled to Alana. She yelled back "OKAY" and we walked out of the house. The whole way to the drop in center was silent with the radio playing in the background. 15 minutes later we pulled up.

"I should be done with my meeting around the time you get out of group so I'll be like 5 minutes late." He finally looked at me. I nodded my head.

"I'll just be on the bench waiting." He nodded his head and I got out of the car. That was by far the most awkwardest convo we've ever had. I literally hate this. I don't want things to be this way, but until we both feel nothing for each other this is how it has to be.


I'm trying so hard to act like this isn't fazing me, but I'm failing. I like her so much and I hate that I do because I know It could get her sent to a group home. I think when I pick her up I'm going to take her somewhere so we could talk. I can't keep avoiding her.

I pulled up to the studio to meet Trey and Ty. I got out of my car and ran inside.

"Finally you're here damn." Ty said when I walked in.

"My bad. I had to drop Kayla off at group." I sighed sitting down. They both just looked at me. I stared back,

"Uh do I got sum on my face? What the fuck y'all looking at." I frowned. Trey started smiling.

"What's up with you and shorty?" I shook my head and leaned back into my chair.

"Nothing. I have a girlfriend." Ty threw a pillow at me. I mugged the fuck outta him.

"You know DAMN well Claire don't got shit on Kayla bro. And we all know you feel sum for her. The energy in a room when y'all both in it is untouchable. So we gon ask again. Whats up with you and shorty." I sighed. Thats why these my best friends for real.

"I like her a lot y'all, but it can't work. She could be sent away to a group home and thats the last thing I would want to happen to her. She's been through enough and I want her to be happy. I know she enjoys living in my house with me and my family so I can't fuck shit up." I wiped my face.

"Nobody has to know. Y'all can sneak around. You could use my apartment whenever you need to to get alone time. I see how this is eating you up bro. Don't let her slip away thats all ima say. And if you need help let us know." Trey said. I nodded. I feel like if I were to tell her to sneak around with me that would just be selfish. I care enough about her to not let my feelings fuck things up. I know she loves having a family. Even though we didn't adopt her we're still her family and I know she loves it. I can't mess that up for her I really can't.

"Alright y'all lets record this song." I got up going into the booth.



I was waiting for Chris to pull up when Caleb called me. I answered.

"Hey gorgeous I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me tonight?" He asked. I smiled.

"Hmm I don't know I'll have to check my schedule." He smacked his teeth.

"Stop playing ma let me take you out." I laughed.

"Okay okay fine what time."

"I'll pick you up at 7." I said okay and hung up. As soon as I hung up Chris pulled up. I sighed and got up and went to the car. 

"Hey how was group." He asked when I got in.

"It was fine I guess." I shrugged. He nodded and pulled off. The car ride was once again silent. I'm so sick of it being like this. We finally pulled up at home and I was about to bolt out of the car but he locked the door. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What are you doing." He sighed.

"Kayla we have to talk. Its been 3 weeks since what happened between us and ever since then-" I cut him off.

"Stop. I don't wanna talk about it. Unlock the door." He shook his head.

"No. You're gonna listen. We're not doing this your way anymore." I was shocked but I sat back and listened.

"Like I was saying ever since what happened it's been awkward and just not okay. What I did was selfish and I'm sorry but I can't take it back. I know what would happen if people found out. So I'm sorry I put you in that position. I feel for you a lot. Probably more than my own girlfriend and because I care about you so much I have to act like I feel nothing. I can't risk you getting sent to a group home all because I was selfish and wanted to be with you." Tears filled my eyes. He is so sweet it's ridiculous. I took a deep breath.

"I lied to you." He looked at me confused. "I do feel something for you. Probably a little more than just something Chris. I like you so much." He just stared at me with no type of emotion.

"Thats great to know I guess. But I still stand by I'm not letting anything happen Kayla. I will always be your bestfriend in the family and I'll always be here for you, but I just feel like this is what's best. I want you to be happy and I know you being in this family makes you happy." He wiped the tear that fell from my eyes. I just nodded my head and got out of the car running inside to my room.


I laid my head on my steering wheel. I feel like my heart has just been ripped from my chest doing that. How she gon tell me right now when I'm telling her I'ma let things go that she has feelings for me. I was about to take her in the backseat and show her how much i truly felt for her but I had to stay strong to my word. I can't let her be sent away.

OMG this chapter is LONG overdue. I'm so sorry. I've just had no type of motivation to write but I'm gonna try my best to keep updating. I hope everyone is doing okay with the whole pandemic going on.
Comment what you guys think and also let me know how y'all been doing

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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