Chapter 15

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Kayla's POV
1 week later

"Kayla get up we have to get to practice." Maria said shaking me. I groaned and sat up on my elbows.

"What time is it?" I asked her squinting from the sun shining through our window.

"It's 6:30 we have to be at practice by 7. Lets go!" She exclaimed before grabbing her bag and walking downstairs. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then put my hair in a high ponytail. After I finished my hair and my hygiene I went back into my room and picked out my outfit. I picked out a black cropped tank top with my grey sweat pants and my black Adidas hoodie.

 I picked out a black cropped tank top with my grey sweat pants and my black Adidas hoodie

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I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room. When I walked out Chris walked out of the bathroom. We haven't really spoken to each other since we kissed, so I avoided eye contact with him and went downstairs.

"Finally you're ready" Maria said huffing dramatically.

"Oh shut up I didn't even take that long." I said grabbing a bagel.

"Alright girls Chris will take you guys to school. I have to be to work at," Alana paused to look at her watch. "Now. See you guys later." She said giving us hugs.

"Alright Chris we're ready." Maria said.

"Go out to the car I gotta make sure Toni is ready." He said.

"Well hurry up we are already late." She said before storming out of the house leaving me and Chris alone. He walked over to me and lifted my head so I was looking at him.

"Kayla we have to talk." He said lowly. I shook my head and moved around him walking outside. Once the front door was closed I let the breath go that I didn't realize I was holding. I have to do my best to avoid him because I can't deny the fact that I feel something for him. I sighed and walked to the car getting in the backseat.


"Okay ladies we have 2 months till the competition so I have the practice dates and we will reveal the song next practice." Maria explained. "Also if you're not gonna put your all into this competition then you can leave." She snapped.

"Why is she so tight this morning?" Adrien asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know she woke up mad." I said. Me and Adrien have grown pretty close since I've been here.

"Dismissed!" Maria yelled after she gave out all the important things we needed. I shook my head laughing at her. She's been acting like this ever since Toni proclaimed his feelings for Aaliyah.

I walked over to the stage an grabbed my bag putting my stuff in it.

"So what's up with you and Mr.Caleb?" Adrien asked walking over. I shook my head.

"He's a good friend." I said turning to look at her. She was about to speak before a deep raspy voice that I knew all too well cut her off.

"Hey Adrien can I talk to Kayla right quick?" Chris asked her.

"Yeah sure. Kayla I'll see you in art." She said before walking away. Fuck. He walked in front of me.

"Kayla we really need to talk." He pleaded tryna make eye contact with me I looked down at my feet.

"Theres nothing to talk about. I have to get to class." I was about to walk around him, but he grabbed my waist and held me in front of him.

"You act like we didn't kiss. Come on Kayla we have to talk about it." I just looked down at my feet. I couldn't look him in his face. I couldn't talk to him. I know the consequences of all of that and it's gonna lead me somewhere I don't want to be.

He lifted my chin up forcing me to look at him. Oh god.."Kayla please talk to me. I feel like I did something to make you upset with me, but i thought you enjoyed what happened." I cant keep ignoring him even if I tried.

"You didn't do anything. I'm not upset with you, I'm upset with myself because I let this happen when it shouldn't have. You know the rules Chris this can not happen."

"Okay I get that but we can't take back what already happened. We can't sit here and act like there's not some sort of attraction that we have for each other. I know I can't." I sighed.

"But you have to. There's no type of attraction. I feel nothing for you and what happened was a mistake." I looked down as I said the last part.

"Look me in my face. In my eyes, and tell me you feel nothing for me." I bit the inside of my cheek and looked up at him.

"I feel nothing for you." I said quietly staring him in his eyes. When I said that I wish I hadn't. The look on his face looks like I shattered his entire heart.

He nodded his head. "Alright." And with that he walked away from me. I watched him walk away from me with tears in my eyes. I don't know why that was so hard for me to do. I didn't think my feelings for him were that strong.

Chris's POV

I walked out of the gym and headed straight to my car. Fuck going to school. I really thought Kayla would admit that she get just maybe an ounce of something for me, but she legit looked me in my fucking face and told me she felt nothing. And I ain't even gon front that shit hurt. I really felt some for her, and yes I just met her, but it's something about her that I can't seem to forget about. And then we kissed and it's like I can't stop thinking about her.

I'ma get her to feel for me one way or another and that's a mothafucking promise.

I apologize deeply. I haven't been updating literally any of my books. I kind of lost motivation with everything going on in my life, but i'm going to try to update as frequent as possible. I'm sorry this chapter is really short but i'll update again and make it more juicer. I love all my supporters thank you guys so much for reading my book and getting it to 1K views t means a lot to me 😊❤️

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