Chapter 3

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Michael's POV

I walked in the house and closed and locked the front door. Usually when I got home someone would be in the living room watching TV, but today every single light was off. What the hell. I took my phone out my pocket and saw that it was only 9:30. Ain't no way in hell my kids sleep at this time. I walked into the living room and noticed that the sofa bed was pulled out. I ain't know we had any vistors. I turned on the little lamp next to the couch and saw a girl around Maria's age asleep. I turned off the lamp so I wouldn't wake her. Please don't tell me this is what I think it is.

I went upstairs to my room and saw my wife watching TV.

"Hey baby. How was work" She said greeting me. I kissed her.

"Work was okay. Very tiring." I said taking off my uniform.

"Aye babe who is that girl on our couch?" I asked once I had on my pajamas.

She looked nervous. "Um that is our new foster daughter." She mumbled lowly. I turned my head so I could hear her correctly.

"Say that again?" I asked.

"Our new foster daughter. Kayla." She said looking at me. I swear that's all she do! Bring in kids that she know nothing about.

"Alana we said that we wasn't bringing in anymore kids." I said dragging my hands down my face.

"I know babe, but Bryan talked to me and told me about her. I couldn't just leave her in juvie." She explained. 

"Oh my god. Alana it's not our job to take in all these kids." I said getting in bed.

"I know but I couldn't just leave her. She's not a bad kid at all." 

"Then why the hell was she in juvie." 

"Okay Michael that is not fair. Just because she made one mistake doesn't mean she's a bad kid. Chris and Antonio make mistakes all the time but you never label them bad kids." She expressed.

"That's because my kids have never been in juvie. Whatever she did had to be super bad to end her up in juvie."

"She beat up her foster mom. And every foster kid gets sent back to juvie when they don't have a family ready to take care of them." My eyes went wide.

"You dumb I swear to god. Gon have a girl in our house with our kids who beat up her foster mom." I rolled over on my side.

"Michael please don't be mad. I know I should've talked to you okay I'm sorry." She said kissing my shoulder. I reached over and turned off the lamp on my nightstand letting her know that this conversation was over. She always doing dumb shit.

Maria's POV

I layed in bed looking up at the ceiling. I know I probably sound selfish, but mom is always bringing in kids that screw her over. The last kid she fostered stole from us. My dad told her no more, but she's so stubborn. I can't wait till she see's that she can't trust Kayla. She's gonna screw her over. I get mom has a sweet heart, but she has enough to worry about. She has 3 kids that need her. She doesn't need a distraction. 

My phone started buzzing. I looked at it and saw it was my bestfriend Aaliyah facetiming me. (Aaliyah is played by the younger Selena Gomez) I turned on my lamp and answered the phone.

"Heyy girl" She said.

"Hey." I said back plainly.

"Okay what's wrong with you?" she asked.

"My mom is fostering another freaking girl." I said rolling my eyes.

"Uh okay and why is that a bad thing?"She asked confused.

"The girl came from juvie. And you remember the last time my mom fostered a kid." 

"Yeah the last time she fostered anybody she adopted them" she said.

"After she adopted us. The kid that stole money from her." I explained.

"I wouldn't really call that fostering. That kid was only there for the night because the social worker was getting another home ready for him." She said correcting me.

"Okay same thing. And my dad already told her he didn't want to foster anymore kids." 

"Maria the girl can't be that bad." 

"Whatever. I gotta go. Talk to you later." Before she could respond I hung up. People don't understand. I don't want to share my mom with another girl. It's always been us. We did all the girly things together, and I'm sure with Kayla around my mom is gonna include her in everything.

Chris's POV

"Bruh Claire you called her a fucking hoe!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"I don't care you defended her instead of me. Your girlfriend!" She yelled back at me. I sighed and just stayed quiet. She is so fucking insecure it's crazy. She thinks I want every girl that says hi. Like if I wanted someone else then I wouldn't be with her, and trust me I get plenty of opportunities.

"See you aren't even listening." She exclaimed. 

"Because you keep fucking raising your voice at me. I'm not gon talk to you when you yellin." I stated calmly. After I said that I heard the end of the phone hang up. I rolled my eyes and put my phone on my nightstand. Everytime I ignored her instead of arguing and yelling she hung up on me or left. She so childish I swear to god. She being all dramatic over Kayla for no reason. She knows the rules that foster siblings can't hook up or be romantically involved. And plus Kayla is too.. I don't even know she's just not my type. Sure, she's fine as hell but nahhh. Claire is what I want for right now. Even if she drive me crazy that's my baby. 

I got up and went downstairs quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone. I went into the kitchen to get some water. When I was done I went back into the living room and Kayla was sitting up.

"My bad. Did I wake you?" I asked her. She shook her head no. I just nodded and went back upstairs and took my ass to bed.

Kayla's POV

I opened my eyes and quickly shut them because of the brightness. I turned away from the window and opened my eyes. I looked over at the clock and it was 7:30 in the morning. I saw that Alana put my clothes on the table for me. I wiped my eyes and got up and stretched. I took the cover and folded it up and put the couch back together. 

"Goodmorning." I turned and saw Alana. 

"Goodmorning." I replied.

"How did you sleep?" She asked me.


"Okay well my husband is taking a shower now so why don't you go get ready and then we will all talk." She said. I nodded and grabbed my clothes and went upstairs to the bathroom. I closed and locked the bathroom door. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put my hair in a better ponytail and put on my clothes from yesterday. A gray tee and some blue skinny jeans with some black converses. This was the outfit I went to juvie in. After I was done I went back downstairs.

"Hey Kayla we're in the kitchen." Alana said. I walked into the kitchen and Alana and her husband were sitting at the table.

"Hey Kayla I'm Michael." He introduced himself. I nodded and sat across from them. 

"So my wife tells me you were in juvie for a while. I know she wouldn't bring you into this house if you were a danger to our family, but since you were in juvie there are gonna be some rules." Michael said. I nodded again. 

"We are giving you one of my old phones. There's only emergency contacts in it right now. Me, Alana, and the kids and of course the police. We want you to keep the phone on at all times so we know where you are at all times." He explained handing me the phone. I nodded again.

"I think you know that foster siblings are not allowed to be romantically involved." He said. I nodded again.

"I think that's about it." He said nodding. 

"Thank you for taking me in. Even if it isn't forever." I said getting up. Alana smiled at me and Michael nodded. I turned around and walked into the living room. Maria came down the stairs. She looked at me briefly before going into the kitchen. I sighed and sat on the couch. This is gonna be a fun adventure.

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