Chapter 5

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I just wanted to let all of you know that this book is inspired from the show the fosters. I took the whole idea of a foster girl falling for her foster brother from that show and kind of turned it around and made it a different concept. But yeah I just wanted to make that clear before anyone says that I'm stealing ideas. So go check out "The Fosters" on freeform. Netflix has every season up to season 4. :) Now into the story.

Maria's POV

"She does not seem as bad as you make her." Aaliyah said. We were in the living room waiting for my mom to get home with the pizza. 

"I just have a bad feeling about her being here. She was in juvie for gods sake." I rolled my eyes. I'm tired of having this conversation with her. She wouldn't understand.

"Well at least give her a chance." I stayed quiet. Aaliyah wouldn't understand. She's always had sisters that she had to share her mom with. Me on the other hand. I was the only daughter in the house. My brothers never wanted to do anything with mom unless it was going out to eat or doing something sporty. I always did everything girly with her. I kind of felt left out because she took Kayla shopping today. She asked if I wanted to come, but I said no because I didn't want to share my mom. It's just not fair.

"I'm home" I heard mama call out. She walked into the living room.

"Hey girls where is everyone?" She asked sitting her purse on the couch and putting the pizza on the coffee table.

"Dad is upstairs taking a nap. Chris is hiding in his room, and Antonio just went upstairs." 

"Where's Kayla?" She asked looking around. I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course.

"I think she's out back." I said looking at the TV.

"Okay well why don't you go get her so we can eat." She said. I sighed and paused the show. I got up and walked through the kitchen to get to the back door. I saw her sitting on the bench looking at the sky. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. I cleared my throat. 

"My mom just got home with the pizza. She said it's time to eat." I said as nicely as I could. She looked at me and nodded. She got up and walked pass me going back inside. I rolled my eyes and followed after her. 

"Alright I got sausage, cheese, and pinapple." My mom said handing out plates for us.

"Mama pinapple is disgusting on pizza" I said pretending to gag. Aaliyah nodded in agreement.

"Aye shut up pinapples on pizza is bomb girl" My dad said biting into the pizza. 

"Okay ew." Aaliyah said laughing.

Kayla's POV

"Aye boys chill out save some pizza for everyone." Alana scolded Chris and Antonio. 

"Mama we hungry and all of y'all females don't even eat a lot." Chris said grabbing a 4th slice. 

"You only think that because you eat it all leaving us like 1 slice a piece." Maria said rolling her eyes. Chris mugged her throwing a pineapple at her.

I ate my pizza watching the way they all interacted with each other. It looked like they were all actually really happy. I've always wanted happiness. But then again happiness is overrated. 

"So Kayla you start our school on Monday right?" Aaliyah asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah I do." I got up washing my plate off putting it in the dish rack.

"What grade are you in?" She asked. I sat back down in my seat.

"I'm going into the 10th grade." She nodded.

My Foster Brother (Chris Brown love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang