There's More to you than Meets the Eye

Start from the beginning

Thomas shakes his head, his eyes are caring and concerned and....dare you say it? Loving.

"Just a bad day. Stressful."

He frowns and his eyebrows furrow and you smile softly because you can't help but think how adarable he is when he looks confused, "You seemed fine this morning when you and I were playing the game. And at lunch and you only started acting weird after you talked to Kaya and...."

He noticed that you looked away when he said her name. You stare at the ground and don't look up until he tucks a finger under your chin and whispers, "Kaya?"

You sigh and nod once.

"What'd she do?" He asks sounding angry.

"I don't want to talk about it, Thomas. Please."

You look him in the eyes, pleading.

It's like a staring competition. The anger starts to fade out of his eyes until he finally closes his eyes and sighs, tilting his head back.

"Are those your car keys?" He asks pointing to the ground.


He grabs them up, "Wait here."

He stands up and walks back into the building, you lean against the wall of the building. You close your eyes. The dark is refreshing. It calms you down a bit.

The door opens and Thomas walks out.

"Okay. Come with me."

He takes your hand and pulls you up. You follow him to a black mustang,"Get in." He orders.

"Where are we going? What about my car?"

" Don't worry about it." He says.

You make no more arguments. You get in.

- - - -

The car ride is mostly quiet. Except for one thing. You've noticed it over the past few days. Thomas likes to hum to himself. It's usually the same farmilliar tune, that you know you've heard somewhere but the name and lyrics of the tune completely escape you.

You silently wonder where on earth Thomas could be taking you. And as you wonder you listen to him. He hums the song over and over again until youy become relaxed and almost at ease. He keeps his eyes on the road at all times.

Finally he pulls into a gas station. It's not busy. There is one old man pumping gas and only one other car parked outside aside from that.

Thomas turns of the car and looks over at you.

"What are we doing here?" You ask him.

He sighs and gives you a small smile, "Getting a drink."

He opens his door and you start to reach for your before he says, "Nope! Stop! I'm sorry, but that's not how this car works. A lady in the passenger seat is physically unable to open the door. It's been tried before. Many times. It's just not possible. Hang on."

Under normal circumstances you would have made a sarcastic comment and tried to open the door anyway, but you don't feel like it tonight. You let him jog around the front of the car and open your door.

"There we go. Good girl. So bloody obedient." He smiles at you as he helps you out of the car, "Come along then."

The two of you walk into the gas station together. An tan older man sits at the counter, a toothpick in his mouth a tabloid in his hand. The man doesn't even look up.

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