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"We're gonna kick his ass."

Jessica stood up next to Peter, reassuring him one more time that she was in this with him. Happy, on the other hand, hadn't received the answer to his asking. 

"No, I mean, right now." He clarified. "Like, specifically, what are we going to do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes."

"Oh, right." The teens came back to reality. They needed to locate their friends. Beck was going to go after them to keep his fraudulence secret and running. However, they needed to be smart if they were going to beat him. "We can't call anybody because he's tracking our phones. I can use FRIDAY to look for something but still, I can't call anybody."

Peter nodded and turned to Happy. "Give me your phone."

"My cell phone? Okay" He reached his pocket and handed it without hesitation. "Here."

"What's your password?" Peter asked while trying to get in. Happy answered instantly. 


"No, what is your password?"

"'Password'." Happy repeated. Jessica looked at him incredulously. "The word 'password' is my password."

Peter frowned. "You are the head of security and your password is 'password'? "

"You'd better change that before I'm CEO." The girl raised both of her eyebrows as she materialized her helmet with her suit's nanoparticles. She put it on, accessing the database.

"Hey, I don't feel good about it either."

"I've located them." As soon as she said that, Peter dropped Happy's phone. Jessica had received a signal from a live stream in London. Flash was recording everything live. "They're in London."

"London? Okay." Happy took no time to get up and get to the pilot's cabin. However, Peter stopped him when he realized he was dressed in just an orange Holland soccer jersey and latex pants.

"Yeah, I'll need a suit."

"Suit?" Happy pressed a button on the wall to his right. A second chamber opened behind them and a whole working station was revealed at the back of the jet. The teens shared an amazed look and approached the working tables. Everything lighted up with the lightest touch.

"Okay, bring up everything you have on Spider-Man." Peter demanded and five different designs of the Spider-Man suit appeared in a hologram. Peter started playing around with the holographic images and Jessica couldn't help but feel a little bit of a déjà vu. He looked like Tony in the video she had found before going on the trip.

Jessica looked at Happy, who seemed to be experiencing the same feeling and Peter turned away from his design to ask about what he was missing.


"Nothing." She smiled.

"You take care of the suit. I'll take care of the music." Happy gladly turned around to play AC/DC's Back in Black, one of Tony's favorites. Jessica had lost count of all the times she had heard him play that song. He'd even wear the album t-shirt from time to time. But Peter wasn't as big of a fan as them.

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!"

They spent the following twenty minutes perfecting Peter's suit. Jessica also took advantage of the technology and made a few changes to her bracelets - but nothing too big since she didn't have the tools to work with nanotech. They could even make the suit in the plane, as there was a  suit creator that sew the fibers together. While they let it do its job, Jessica used the spare time before getting to London to finally rest for a bit. Peter let the program finish confectioning the last details of the suit and sat down next to her weary girlfriend.

"Those are almost done." He said, pointing at the suit and the bracelets. Jessica didn't respond as he seemed to be absent, lost in his thoughts. "Hey... Are you okay?"

"Did he..." She made eye contact with him. Her look was sober. "What did you see in your illusion?"

"It was really disturbing." Peter sighed, not really wanting to remember it. "There were lots of things. You were there, Mysterio pushed you down the Eiffel Tower. Then I was trapped in a snow globe and then I had to fight a bunch of clones of myself." He paused, not sure about sharing the last part with her. "But also..."

"Also Tony," She finished for him, reading his mind. "right?"

"Was it the same for you?"

"I think it was just that part." She exhaled. "It was just like a nightmare."

"If I had nightmares like those, I wouldn't go to sleep ever again." Peter chuckled but Jessica looked at him dead serious. Not even a second passed before she read her expression. "Wait, do you-"

"We'll be in there in five minutes, guys!" Happy cut him off, making the girl look away from him.

"Jessica?" He cupped her cheek to make her face him again. "You've been having nightmares?"

"Ever since he died," She finally confessed, after a few seconds of hesitation and months of hiding. "I've had them every night."

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because I didn't want to worry you." She sounded honest, but also broken. She pressed her cheek against his palm for comfort. "You were grieving as well and I knew you'd get really concerned."

"Well, yeah!" He exclaimed, not believing she hadn't told him before. "What did you expect? I care for you! If you have them again, tell me."

"We'll talk about it when all this is over."

"Okay." Peter gave her a quick kiss on the lips before enjoying the last moments of calm before the storm that awaited for them in London. 

"We might want to say something to Fury." Jessica pointed out, remembering they were almost there. She turned back to Happy, who had left the plane in autopilot and was now standing next to them.

"We have a code." He said before taking his phone out of his pocket and calling the spy. "Happy Hogan here. After going through Mr. Stark's belongings, apparently, there was a surfboard you left behind. They said they didn't think that Nick Fury was a surfer, and I said: Appearances can be deceiving."

"Are you the surfboard?" Jessica leaned closer to Peter. 

"The message has been sent and we're getting close." The man said after hanging up. "Wanna go over the plan again?"

"He's using illusion tech. All we have to do is to get inside of the illusion, take it down and find him." Jessica recited, earning a nod in agreement from Peter.

"He's just a guy. We can take EDITH right back." 

Jessica arched her eyebrow, reminding the boy of their most recent encounter with the villain. "Last time you got hit by a train."

"Truth, but this time..." 

"You'll use the Peter tingle?" She asked, smirking.

Peter glanced at her defeated. She wasn't going to let that name go. "Yeah, I'll use the Peter tingle."

Happy went back to the pilot's cabin to check the route. They had arrived in London and the battle equipment was finished and ready to use. In a few minutes they were going to fight Beck again, and this time, Jessica wasn't going to let him win by any means.

"It's time."

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