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"All right, I'm in position." Jessica reported as she scanned the square crowded with people in festive costumes. She pressed the button in the right side of her new stealth helmet and ran a scan of the view in front of her. The stealth suit was similar to the nano armor she had developed all those years ago. The main differences were that it was all matte black and the helmet was smaller, better adapting to the shape of her head. FRIDAY finally gave her the information about the total of people in the area, the average age and the proportion for gender. She ignored the latter two.

"Same over here." She heard Peter answer through her earpiece. She tried to spot him from the other side of the square. The stealth suits were working just great. She saw the white shape of the eyes of his suit contrasting the black sky, finding him at last. "As soon as we see something, Beck, we'll let you know."

"Roger that."

Then they heard Fury's voice. "How are the suits?"

"The suit's great. It's a little tight around the web-shooter."

"Peter!" Jessica called him down.

"Okay, I'll shut up."

Jessica looked down again, beginning her turn for the waiting game. She observed the carousel, the Ferris wheel and the people in the forum. Her gaze stopped at the fountain in front of her, as FRIDAY displayed a sign of unusual thermal activity. While she studied it and anticipated the monster's arrival, the system recognized a familiar face in the crowd.

MJ? Jessica thought to herself, distracting herself from the imminent attack.

"Jessica! Get out of there!" Peter screamed into the earpiece and right after the fountain was destroyed. The monster emerged in an explosion of fire and lava."Beck! Are you ready? You know what to do."

"On your lead, Spider-Man" Mysterio responded. Jessica jumped to the building beside her, moving away from the fire. The monster blew up the carnival stands around him and fed up with the burning wood, growing stronger.

Mysterio landed in front of it. "You're up, kid!"  He shot his green lasers at the creature, immobilizing it for a moment.

Next, Jessica was ready to attack. Unlike in Venice, she actually did something when she used her powers against the monster. Her hit made a dent in its side, but it quickly filled in again. She pressed a button on the inside of her gloves and she started bathing the thing with a cooling spray. It was the same one Tony used to cool off the Hulk's arm after he snapped everyone back into existence. They thought they wouldn't need the spray again. But that turned out to be false.

"Nice technique! But try not to run out of that too soon!" She heard Mysterio congratulate her, but she didn't pay much attention. She was too busy looking at how the monster reacted to her attack. The cooling spray, although it had slowed it down for a second, had already melted off.

From the other side, Peter knocked off a fire-hydrant, trying to repeat the same effect. Since the water hit it constantly, it looked like it was working way better.


Jessica turned around as soon as she heard the cries for help coming from the Ferris wheel. She recognized Betty and Ned waving their arms at them. She immediately flew in their direction.

"Jessica? What's going on?"

"Please, help us!"

The Ferris wheel had stopped spinning, so everyone who was riding the attraction at the moment the monster arrived was trapped. It was too close to the monster and Jessica knew she had to do something about it to save them, even if it entailed jeopardizing the mission.

mended 🕷️ peter parker [3]Where stories live. Discover now