Well, this got intense quickly.  And I feel a little shamed.  Actually, I have been acting a little immature around Issac.  Holding him at arms length.   Avoiding him when I can.  He's been nothing but supportive, protective and outside of training, kind to Kate and I during this whole transition.  He's made every effort to make our move smooth, and make us feel welcomed and at home.   Actually.  Regretfully.  In retrospect, I have been a bit of an ungrateful ass.    According to him, I will be an asset at this gathering, and most others when the room is full of dominant wolves.  He says I can help ease tension, and make things progress for the better for ours, and many other packs.   I still don't quite know how or why.  But, I have made it clear I don't want to be here, get dressed up or meet other new wolves.  I've been moody to say the least.

I inwardly groan.  Ugh.  Hes been nothing but awesome, and I have been horrible.  In fact.  Why the heck does that man even still flirt with me?  I have shown no potential to be within his league, or nice enough toward him, to be worth someone worth pursuing.  Probably why he has backed off recently.   Why does that bother me?   Didn't I want to not get involved with him?  Again, another moment where I am acting like a child.  Wanting it now only because it seems harder to get or I cant have it. 

Ok, well after Andrews reality check (I guess he is like a brother.  Can step on my ego when it needs deflating), I can change things.  I cant change my past behavior.  But I can go forward doing my best to integrate myself into this new world, make the best of it, and a better life for Kate and I.   And I cant maybe show some actual respect toward Issac.  I have it for him.  I have always admired him.  But it would probably go a long way to actually show it.  And at this gathering in front of so many others, it wont do for me to back talk to him, or show anything other than respect and loyalty.   

As we pull up to the building that looks like a super fancy Ritz hotel I am reminded how out of my comfort zone I actually am.   I am an introvert.  I am not a fan of crowds, small talk, or meeting new people.   Its why I like being a photographer.   I can be in places like this, but blend into the background like a wallflower.  No one every really notices who is behind the camera or who they are.    But, I am expected to mingle, talk, and be available to go into impromptu meetings with Issac when needed.   MY stomach clenches.  My nerves are getting to me.  But my new resolve helps me push through and walk up those steps with Andrew by my side.

When we enter the room that honestly looks like a ballroom I am floored and rendered speechless.

The room is stunning.  Soft golden tones, with burgundy and and grey.  Chandelier in the middle, with soft spotlighting throughout the room.   To the left of me are circular dining tables, that can fit twelve to a table.  To the right is a stage area with a band playing soft background music.  Jazz I think?  An area for dancing, which a few couples are enjoying.

But whats floored me.  Is the room has been decorated like a gallery.  Tables lining all the walls with information packets.  And big poster sized photos of all of the company's projects.   My photos.  And.  With my name on them?  There's even some of my landscape ones I took when I was finished and just exploring some forest and country areas nearby the buildings. 

Andrew sees my reaction, and bumps my shoulder lightly to bring me back to attention.  "Seems he was quite impressed with you work, and wanted to show it off huh?"

"It's, well.  Yeah.  I wasn't expecting."

A deep husky and familiar voice sneaks in behind me "Wasn't expecting what?"

I spin around and drink in the sight before me.  This man must have been a warrior in a previous life.  With his forest green eyes, swirling with mischief, long thick eyelashes most girls would kill to have.  His thick eye brows making his eyes seem darker, almost more menacing.   He's dressed in coal black suit, the color matches his wolfs fur, his shirt is blood red, and hes wearing golden cufflinks that have the moon phases etched onto them.  His body, towering over mine, his muscles almost rippling through the outfit.  He looks like sex on legs.  Just looking at him makes me warm all over, and that makes me a whole bunch of nervous.

A New Sensation - Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang