"How was your day today bud?"
I asked putting on my shoes.

"Good. The new girl told me a funny story!"

He said smiling.


I asked even though I knew he was talking about Chris's sister.

"Yeah.. She's really shy but I got her to talk to me. She's crazy."
He laughed.

"How crazy?"

"She laughs ALOT. And she snorts and once you start talking to her she won't stop yappin!"

He said and I smiled.
"So I've heard."
I said getting up.

"So what do you think of her then?"
"She's nice."
He said simply. I shrugged it off and walked over to the center, I sat down and began stretching.

Once I finished stretching every freaking muscle in my body I walked over to my IHome, playing the song Skyscraper by Demi Lovato.

I quickly got into position and did a quick high kick right at the point where the music started and let my body move to the music doing the correct steps. I lost myself, I don't know where my mind went but I wasn't focused on the stress, drama and pain that I'm in. I just let my mind be free and danced with the most perfection I could.

I did the last move and then turned to Cody once the song ended.

"That's the best I've seen! I loved it!"
He said smiling.

"Thanks bud! You can go play your trucks now."
I said winking at him. He smiled gratefully at me and ran along up the stairs.

"It was great!"
He yelled and was out of sight before I could respond.

 After he left I practiced and practiced until I was sweating and my muscles felt like jello. I went upstairs to hydrate and grabbed my phone and a water bottle.

I have a message.

From: Chris <3

Call me when you're not practicing :) xx

I hit the call button and put my phone up to my ear while taking a sip of water.

After a couple of rings he answered.

"Would you shut up!"
He said to someone in the background that was making noises.  


He said sounding happy.

I said happily.

"I j-"

He was cut off by a guy screaming in the background and then some laughing.

"Oh my god would you shut up for five seconds!?"
He yelled at who ever was in the same room.

"Sorry... I was going to tell you that the guys are here."

"The guys?"
"My friends from Kansas are here... When I told them about the accident they drove here because they're stupid.. So now they're in my room annoying m- Don't touch that!"

I heard a shatter and then some laughing in the background.

"Oh my god."
He said with a sigh.
I laughed into the phone.

"Are they the bad friends? I mean like, the ones you'd fight with?"
He chuckled.

"Yeah that's them.. But they're good guys I promise, they're pretty crazy though... I was just wondering when you'd be done practicing?"

He said and I smiled.

"Just finished."
"Are you busy?"
I said popping the p.

"You wanna come over and meet them?"
He asked and I smiled to myself.

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