ch 7: Into The Sand Race

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Clarity nodded, thankful for Grace's defending her. But she still felt the sting of Dez's insult. Glitch. Was that all she was now? A glitch? A mistake? Something broken that needed to be fixed?

Deserey just stalked off, slumping against the wall, folding her arms over herself with a huff. She couldn't believe this. "Where are we anyways?" she hissed in annoyance.

Clarity perked up at this, despite still being upset over the insult. She pointed at the window, a bit of excitement in her voice. "We're in space!"

"Space!" Grace said, her eyes widening as she came over to peer out the window for herself. "Blimey, that's amazing!"

"What?" Deserey scoffed. "Amazing my ass! I didn't sign up to go to space!" She stood up, panicking a little. There wasn't anyone waiting for her on earth. No one would miss her if anything happened to her, but that didn't mean she appreciated being whisked away from her home without even so much as being asked if she wanted that to happen!

"Whoa! From the sound of things back here you've all woken up. That's good. Thought you might never come round." A new mystery voice said. The bulkhead door opened and out stepped a being with tan skin covered in brown cheetah like spots. This being's face was outlined with two rows of blue scales. The first row arched from where the eyebrows are supposed to be to the cheek, and the second row just behind it arched from just in front of the temple stopping just before their chin. Small blue horn like appendages jutted out along the being's nose and forehead. A red Mohawk of webbed horns sat atop the being's head. Something reminiscent of barnacles seemed to be growing from the side of this being's head. It started blue at the base but grew red the further it grew out. The being's eyes were a reddish orange and their lips were a bright blue color it's teeth as sharp as a sharks.

"Oh my god you're a fish!" Grace's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock

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"Oh my god you're a fish!" Grace's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock. "Blimey, now that looks like a proper alien."

"Lost in Space with a fish thing...great." Deserey deadpanned. "As if things couldn't get any weirder."

"Hello! Uh, Who are you? Is this your spaceship? Not quite sure how we got on it. We were with our two friends and my family you wouldn't happen to know where they are would you? Are they in another room or something?"Clarity attempted to peer around the fish alien but the doors had already closed behind them before she could see in the room next store. She gave a little wave in an attempt to cover up her snooping. She couldn't help it she was curious but at the same time she didn't want to offend this alien person. "I'm Clarity by the way."

"Aye, this is my ship. The name's Callidoroha . I didn't see anyone else but you three floating out there." As they spoke the fish alien adjusted their belt which swished a bit signifying that there was a sort of liquid inside.

"Are you sure? Maybe you just couldn't see them because an asteroid was in the way. We have to go back and check." Clarity told them.

Callidoroha looked at Clarity in confusion. "There aren't any asteroids in this sector and I would've seen your friends if they were there. My vision is 99/100. How'd you end up floating in space?"

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