Daniel Seavey-A teenager in love

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You lived in a small town nothing too crazy, it was something where everyone at school knew everyone though doesn't get yourself wrong there was still cliche's and your school pretty much had their rankings just like every other school around.

You weren't popular, but you also weren't a loser, you were kinda the average girl who had a nice small group of friends where you could all hang out and make good memories without the pressure of wanting to be accepted or having to pass the standards, in fact, some students would call you firey with the number of times you had stood up for yourself in front of the popular crowds.

Though another thing you hated was how petty your school was, they were in competition with another high school just down a few blocks over. They'd call the fued 'the battle of Reds and blues'. Simply because your school colours were red and theirs was blue. Every athletic sport your team and their team would take part it in and you'd be competing against each other it would always end up in one massive war.

It was a Friday night, the stars were out it was a clear evening and you upheld a tradition with your friends to go out for milkshakes and fries to the local diner which was located in the centre of your town. 

You walked inside the diner sitting at your usual booth, the place at little strips of pink led lights around the bar and under stools lighting up the whole place pink. It was what made everything felt like home other than the fresh smells of the burgers and hot dogs they'd cook up. 

You ordered the usual banana milkshake with extra cream and sprinkles with cheese fries. You had been so busy talking to your friends to even notice a group of boys staring at your own friendship group from the other side of the room. 

*An hour later*

"Do you girls have a quarter?" y/f/n asks around with a small frown as she scanned her purse letting out an annoyed sigh. 

"I actually do," you say grabbing it "why do you want one?" you sipped on her drink. 

"Well I want to play something on the jukebox, but since you have the quarter you can play something for me" your friend grinned at you with puppy dog eyes. She hated getting up in front of everyone and knew you had no problem with that. 

"So why can't you get up?  its literally just in that corner plus you can choose your own song then I don't need to listen to anything" you ask placing the coin on the table curious. 

"Well I would, but its crowded and you know me" your friend whined "just go save me the long embarrassing moment... plus you have a good taste in music so no matter what you choose it'll be good, I'll buy you another milkshake" she hugged your side battling her eyelashes playfully making you roll your eyes. 

"Okay okay fine" you get up grabbing the quarter and walking over to the jukebox slotting the coin in before scrolling through the list of songs. 

Every single song was from the '60s or '50s, of course, you were in a vintage diner filled with teenagers eating food. It was almost like you were all living in that era anyway.

Daniel's POV

"Just go talk to her" Zach spoke not lifting his head up from his phone which caught my attention. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask watching the boys all look at me smirking. 

"What the hell do you think we're on about" Corbyn flicked my head laughing "you have been staring at the girl over there since we walked in an hour ago. You keep glancing over at her, you watched her laugh, talk and even dance in her seat at the music playing" he says. 

"He's right" Jonah chimed in patting my shoulder "you have no problem talking to girls so what's up with this one?". 

"I don't know I guess I've never seen her around before and I've never met a girl so chilled out before. Doesn't go around flirting with guys or does something to get attention like most of the girls in this dead beat town" I say with a small shrug. 

"Well she's got up so go talk to her!" Jack pushed me out of my seat and towards the large jukebox. 

Your POV

After debating what song you were going to listen to you ended up settling in with one of your favorites which was 'a teenager in love' by Dion & the Belmonts. It was your favorite in this diner you wouldn't listen to it anywhere but here.

After selecting it and hearing it blasting through the speakers you turn around before bumping into someone's shoulder. 

"Sorry, my bad I wasn't looking" you mumbled looking up at the taller male with a slight shade of pink on her cheeks. Though your eyes traveled to the blue varsity jacket he was wearing and knew almost instantly he was from the other school. 

"Its alright" Daniel chuckled leaning against the wall looking at you admiring your features secretly. "A teenager in love huh?" he asks with a small smile "good choice of the best songs here" he admitted with a small blush. 

"You like the song too?" you ask raising your eyebrow shocked he had said that. 

"Yeah I love how relaxing their voices are... call me weird" Daniel blushed more. 

You shake your head with a smile not wanting to walk away just so easily, sure he was from another school, but he seemed so different from everyone else. You knew that he wasn't one of those asshole jocks. 

"So what brings you to this diner? I swear you all go to the one just outside of the town so you don't clash with the reds?" you ask with a small smirk on your face. 

"Shit! you're a red?" Daniel chuckled shrugging "well myself and my friends just passed our tests and thought we'd celebrate our own way with pizza, burgers and all you can eat ice cream which they don't do in the other places our school goes to. Plus we know the owner really well. We come in the mornings for coffee" he says. 

"Oh yeah the owner makes insane cream pies if you want another dessert" you grab a dessert menu handing it to him. 

"Yeah?" Daniel scanned through them his eyes widening in delight "wow thanks" he says running his fingers through his hair. "You got a name red? he asks much more confidently. 

"I do, but I think you're going to have to that piece of information out through sitting with me and my friends, having a conversation with us" you flirted with a smirk. "Don't worry your friends can join us to we're just over there" you pointed to the table with a small wink. 

"Very smooth" Daniel chuckled "I guess its a group date" he nudged your side before waving his friends over.


Sorry if this sucks, I've been so busy

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