Jack Avery-I'm lucky

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You were younger than Jack by two years he was nineteen and you were seventeen which meant you were still in school and it has been one huge struggle for you. How work was stressful, how your friends ask you loads of questions about your boyfriend. Sometimes you thought they'd use you just to try and get a chance to meet the group.

It was a Friday which meant you were staying with Jack over the weekend which you were excited for you loved being able to just wear his clothes, wake up beside him and listen to all the craziness in the Why Don't We home which was also your second home. 

You were given your 6th piece of homework of the day and you were honestly stressed. You had three long projects that were due in a few months, you had an essay to write, you had to do a long math problem as homework and lastly, you had to write a report. You were usually smart and organised, but this time you were stressed out and you didn't know how you were going to cope with the workload.

"Hey y/n you coming to the party tonight," y/bff/n asked with a smile putting her books in her backpack as the bell rang.

"Sorry y/bff/n I'm staying with Jack this weekend... send me pictures like last time" you smile putting your books in your backpack.

"Y/n you never wanna hang out anymore it's like now your with this big time singer you want nothing to do with me its like you think your better than everyone in this school. I'm starting to get fed up with trying to make an effort".

"I don't see Jack in the week because of school, sometimes I don't see him much over the summer if he's touring around. So if the weekends are the only time I can see him then I'm going to take the opportunity to see him. I don't mean to push you away I love you and you know that and I spent the other day at your house and we had take out. Besides, you know I don't like parties especially after last time I went to one" you put your backpack on your shoulder.

"Oh come off it! tell me this when was the last time you actually sat down with the group and went to a party or a sleepover. It was three months ago, you only came around the other day because we were working on a project. You know what fine y/n I give up trying. If you want to push me away for a boy who will most likely dump you anyways then be my guest just don't come crying back to me" y/bff/n snapped.

"You know what? you wouldn't know my feelings for Jack because you hardly listen to me unless I talk about the band that's when you pay attention like you just want me to drag you to the house and introduce yourself to them. You've been in relationships whilst Jack is the first serious relationship I was hoping you'd understand that considering you were the same when you were with your past boyfriends".

"The fact you'd think I'd use you shows how delirious you are! just don't bother anymore I don't wanna talk to you. Just stay away from me" y/bff/n rolled her eyes walking off to your others friends. To which, they all simply glared at you mad at you aswell.

ouch! that hurt you deeply, you could feel your heart racing and the tears springing to your eyes. You've just lost your best friend. Am I really being selfish? you thought to yourself as you headed to your car getting in and buckling up you drove out of the school and headed across the city.

Soon enough you parked up outside the place you called a second home by now you had mascarsa smudged down your face you've been crying most of the way down to the house.

You walked inside knowing that they didn't mind if you just walked on in you have been doing it for months. You headed straight to living room where you heard your boyfriend's face. Just knowing he was at the house made you feel somewhat at ease.

Jack looked up, but the smile on his face soon faded once he'd seen your tears and smudged makeup. "Oh y/n what's wrong" he opened up his arms letting you hug him, he brought you onto his lap.

"Everything! school work has been piled on me, I got an F on some stupid pop quiz because I didn't know half the answers and all my friends hate me because I won't go to some stupid party with me and suddenly I'm this selfish monster" you cried onto him you couldn't help it you just had a lot on your shoulders.

Jack wiped your eyes looking down at you "well why don't I run a shower for you, you can wear your favourite clothes of mine, then we can go for a drive maybe get a McDonalds together and then spend the weekend relaxing. Its okay to fail on a pop quiz baby girl because they don't matter. The school work can be done one at a time just pace yourself and don't let the number scare you" he kissed your forehead and looked into your eyes. "As for your friends give it time they'll come around, maybe throw your own party where you can control it invite whoever you want".

"Party? I'll come" Zach grinned looking at you trying to cheer you up.

Boy was he so amazing with advice.

You smiled looking up at Jack "how did I get so lucky?"

"Because I'm amazing" Jack laughed shrugging his shoulders "come on let's get you sorted" he took your hand and led you upstairs.

"Shower with me" you pecked his lips just wanting to spend as much time with him as you could.

You spent the whole weekend with your phone off, relaxing with your boyfriend and his crazy friends which were also your best friends. By the Monday y/bff/n apologised and you ended up throwing a party the next weekend inviting your friends and the boys. 

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