Jack Avery-Break

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You and Jack have been dating for two years, you both love each other deeply and when you first met you knew that he was special straight away, of course, you didn't believe in love in first sight, but you did know that he was something special to you in your heart.

However, you both have been arguing a lot recently sometimes it would be Jack starting the arguments or sometimes it would be you. It's like you both can't agree and it's over something small like date nights or what to have for dinner. You just didn't know what to do anymore. You would end up going home early or it would end up Jack storming out going for a drive leaving you to cry.

No matter what there were tears in every argument and horrible words were always spoken. Of course, you hated how you two were, you missed how you guys would just not have a care in the world that you guys cared about each other's happiness and just did what you felt like doing.

It was the afternoon and you were at your apartment looking a mess with your mascara smudge under your eyes, your cheeks red and your face very tear stained. You and Jack have been bickering all week and last night was the worse one yet things were said, screaming in each other's faces and walls were punched, but nobody hurt each other.

You sniffled wiping all the makeup off your face and you turned your shower on and pealed your clothes off getting into the shower washing yourself down before stepping out and getting changed into something more comfortable before you felt your phone ping.

Corbyn👽: Hey y/n

Y/n: Hey Corb

Corbyn👽: Come over

Y/n: I honestly don't think that's a good idea at all

Corbyn👽: Come on please we need help with filming a cover

Y/n: Okay fine

Corbyn👽: Great see you in 10 minutes

Y/n: Alright

You got ready fixing up your face just a little before grabbing your shoes and leaving your house and driving to the Why Don't We place parking up and walking inside seeing Corbyn and Daniel almost rush to your side pulling you into hugs with little smiles on their faces.

"Alright, we're going to be filming by the pool" Corbyn spoke before leading you out in the backyard where none of the boys was.

"Alright," you say suspiciously before walking outside.

"We'll just grab the others and the camera" Corbyn spoke leaving you outside.

You sigh looking at the ground going into a deep thought you had no idea what was happening or why they even needed your help when they had a tripod you had no idea what was going on. Thinking more about you started to wonder why you even agreed to come.

"Oh come on guys really" Jack shouted hitting the back door

You snap out of your thoughts to Jack's voice looking up and seeing the boys behind the glass door smirking then it hit you! They've locked you and Jack outside to talk.. oh they're good, but this was damn stupid you couldn't deal with this you didn't want to deal with Jack today not after last nights fight you just wanted a day of not talking.

You sigh looking at the pool trying to avoid eye contact with him you didn't want another argument if anything you were just so exhausted and it showed on your face. How dark your under eyes were or how you had a few bags under the darkness.

"Y/n look at me" Jack walked over to you taking a seat beside you. You shook your head your eyes focused on the ground you could already feel the tears welling up in your eyes. "Please y/n" Jack whispers.

You sigh looking up at him biting your bottom lip "what?" you ask your voice cracking a little

"Y/n talk to me tell me what your thinking right now" Jack wiped the tears that were spilling from your eyes you just couldn't back the tears even if you tried.

"I don't see us working Jack, we have been arguing for weeks and now I'm just drained, I'm tired of crying about us, I'm tired of seeing you getting upset because of me. We both deserve to be in tears" by this point you were sobbing your heart racing against your chest.

Jack looked at you "so you want to break up?"

"Did I say that Jack?" you ask raising an eyebrow "its things like this that cause arguments where we twist our words, have an attitude and assume what the other is thinking. It's not healthy being that way Jack and you know it! even your friends know it. Every day we bicker about what date night because one of us can't be bothered or we bicker about food because we both want two different meals. Its like we can never meet in the middle anymore" you cried into your eyes.

Jack sighs "I know I know y/n it really is just so hard we're both so busy and stressed out with work and we take it out on our relationship because its the only thing we have" he gently took your hands. "We can work through this together as partners okay, we'll start by listening to each other and talking about how we feel as crazy as it sounds we just need a little more communication between us instead of jumping to conclusions. We can work through this I know we can. We're just in a rough spot".

You sat there listening to him biting your bottom lip "Jack its been one month, we've punched walls, we've screamed in each other's faces. We drive each other away to the point we're now strangers. We can't even smile in the same room anymore" you whisper your voice cracking more. "I don't know how we're going to get through this" you gently part your hands from his and stand up. "Jack I don't wanna be the reason you're unhappy I don't wanna be the one that makes you angry. You deserve a girl who you can come home to and just be happy with. I deserve a guy who will do the same. We're not fulfilling that right now. Maybe we need a break just a week or two apart no speaking or contact just so we can clear our heads".

Jack stands up nodding his head "if that's what you want"

I nodded "its what we need Jack I don't wanna part from you, but if we're going to save our relationship then we need to just have a week or two away from each other re-gain ourselves".

"Just promise me one thing" Jack looks at you

"Anything" you sniffle

"Never ghost me or ignore me if you end up wanting to break up completely tell me" Jack whispers your heart breaking just the words 'break up'.

"I-I promise" you whisper getting up.

The boys let you in and you left the house and Jack ended up telling them everything. 

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