Jonah Marais-Ouija

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Jonah was sat down with the boys as Jack came downstairs with something in his hand and gathered us all in the living room. It was Halloween y/n was out with her friends buying food because we were all going to hang out, but Jack called us boys down to talk about something.

"So what is it?" Zach asks taking a seat as he sipped his can of cola watching the boy in front of him as he scurried over to us with a grin on his face.

"Well okay so don't scream at me okay" he looked between us all "I don't know who sent me this I don't know if it was a fan or it was some sort of sick joke, but this was in the mail signed to me with a little note saying that it was aimed at me in some weird writing. I didn't buy it myself".

He put the box on the table and my curiosity started rising. What on earth could this be? why would we all get mad? questions remained through Jonah's mind as he looked at the board that was now sitting in front of all five of them, but this didn't feel good.

"Okay again don't get mad" Jack spoke before lifting the cover off the cardboard box and the boys all looked to see an Ouija facing up at them.

"What is it?" Zach asked

"Are you fucking stupid! return this" Daniel shouted looking at Jack

Jonah was completely surprised as to why Jack had this and why someone gave this to him. He looked up hearing Daniel shouting "Daniel calm down a second okay" his voice was gentle and calm.

"Hey, you said no getting mad. I honestly don't why someone wanted me to have this or who sent this to me and believe me I was going to get rid of it, but curiosity took over me" Jack looked at the board before Zach looked over at the group.

"Someone explain," Zach asks

"It's a damn Ouija board where you talk to ghosts and basically open up to another dimension its extremely dangerous for us and that's why Jack is going to wrap it back up and take it somewhere where it can't harm us or anyone else" Corbyn spoke looking up.

Zach shook his head "wait what if we just sit here for even two minutes and see if anyone will talk to us, I'm sure it's not that bad" he says grabbing the board.

"Zach are you fucking crazy!" Jonah snapped standing up stepping back "I'm not messing with this"

"Oh come on guys just two minutes and then we'll stop, we will read the manual and everything making sure we do this properly" Zach pleaded "I wanna see if this is true".

"You can't do it properly there is no proper way even if you say goodbye you can still let something bad happen no way" Daniel shook his head.

"I'm with Daniel with this one" Jonah looked between them.

"Guys come on we'll do this all together"

With a little convincing the boys all sighed and agreed for two minutes only they all sat down and started asking it questions. To start with nothing happened, but after more than two minutes they started getting answers and started talking to something.

"Will you harm us?" Corbyn asks biting his bottom. He watched as the planchette moved to no when the lights flickered a little.

"Fuck no I'm not doing this" Daniel stood up and Jonah copied his actions.

"um guys we have to say goodbye," Zach says "come on".

You came in from being with friends and overheard the boys talking and snapping. "Woah what's going on? saying goodbye to who?" you ask raising an eyebrow looking between them as they all scurried up.

"N-Nothing" Jack stuttered

You raised your eyebrow "guys?" you ask and look over at your boyfriend Jonah who had a very guilty look on his face

"Promise you won't get mad" Jonah asks before the lights flickered on and off a few times.

"What?" you ask looking around when your eyes landed on the table seeing the board face up. "Oh my god! you guys didn't" you looked between them all. "You guys did... you had actually done it" as they all remind silent basically answering all your questions

"You fucking idiots! you have no idea what you've done! and when Zach said what he said. YOU GUYS HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE" you shouted kinda worried for them stepping back as the lights flickered.

You watched the boys all sit down and say goodbye you staying by the front door not wanting to be apart of anything. You knew the danger you watched enough ghost programs and movies to know all about the harms this 'game' can cause.

After they said 'goodbye' you walked over to your boyfriend sighing "sorry for shouting I just ugh I just don't want anything getting attached to you guys or attached to your home and hurting you"

"The man said it wasn't going to hurt us" Jonah stated

"The what?" you raise your eyebrow sighing and looked at them "Jonah you have no idea how powerful that is" you look between all five boys.

You were about to speak when all the lights hit off leaving you all in pitch black. "Jonah Marais! you're so damn lucky I fucking love you" you snapped gripping his arm tightly. 

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