23 - peace

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i wake up.

5:00 a.m.

the sounds of piano and violin.

groggily i turn off my alarm. it's saturday.

thoughts come to me slowly and lazily. i feel as though in a dazed state.

there's something on my stomach.

oh, it's skin.

it's flesh.

it's piper's arm draped across me.

i smile.

her body is warm curled up next to mine.

no other thoughts come to me except that.

her body is warm.

next to me.

arm on top of me.

i close my eyes again and welcome the darkness under my eyelids.

no more thoughts.

for once i am utterly and completely at peace with the moment.

at peace with time.

at peace with her.

at peace with myself.

i hold her in my arms.





piper mclean in the flesh in my arms.

i can't help but smile sleepily to myself.

i close my eyes, feeling as if nothing could ever hurt me.

nothing could ever touch me the way piper does.

feeling her breathing up and down,
alseep in my arms.

i caught my ghost.

my illusion.

chasing an illusion - pipabethKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat