Chapter 2

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The smell of waffles with chocolate syrup, his favorite, woke the angel up. He found the table opposite the fireplace laid out for a meal, with Crowley nowhere to be seen.

The angel flushed at the memory of yesterday. So embarrassing. How would he face Crowley now?

He sat, chewing his waffles thoughtfully. The view from here was fantastic, the sea stretched out as far as the eye could see. Aziraphale really wanted to live here.

Especially with Crowley.

What could he do though? Would he be able to find the courage to move in? The angel thought back to yesterday, when the demon had silently comforted him, in a way that made the angel fall asleep with a smile on his face. The demon had reigned his tongue in because he knew it would upset the angel.

Aziraphale picked up his phone and sent a text to the witch finder, requesting that the book shop be looked after. Then he popped along to get his toiletries, and a few keepsakes, came back, zoomed upstairs to pick out a room, only to find a door with his name on it. Gingerly, Aziraphale walked inside.

It was perfect. With the whole wall made of glass, so the sea was in view, and one of Crowley's plants stood on the beige bedside table. The bed was a king-size with satin white sheets, and soft toys scattered all over. The angel had a grin up to his ears, at the thought of Crowley going to the department store to pick out these teddy bears. The demon had teased the angel relentlessly for still sleeping with a soft toy, but had thought about him when picking out a house. What was weird was the lack of lamps, but the angel shook it off. He would deal with that later. Besides, there was a ginormous bookshelf opposite his bed, which more than made up for that, and a wardrobe, where the angel proceeded to leave his stuff before heading out to climb onto the roof.

It was just so beautiful. Aziraphale called on his wings, and marveled at the feel of the breeze on his feathers. His wings were so sensitive, just a mere touch sent shivers down his whole body. He spread them, about to take a morning flight, when Crowley landed next to him, so suddenly, that Aziraphale nearly fell off the roof. The demon steadying him with a warm hand on the angel's shoulder.

"Mind if I join you?" The demon had a smirk on his face, and the black sunglasses were back.

"Not at all."

The angel felt mortified. He kept embarrassing himself in front of Crowley. Perhaps it was time the demon was embarrassed. With a sly twist, the angel got his wing to knock the sunglasses off.

"We're together now Crowley. You don't have to wear them all the time you know. I won't tell anyone you have such pretty eyes."

The angel took off, barely containing the fit of giggles threatening to erupt, as well as something else. The look on Crowley's face was priceless.

The movement that the angel pulled off, came back to bite him in the ass with Crowley accidentally on purpose knocking him out of the sky, and not catching him until he was a hair's length away from the ground. Aziraphale chased him, pouting, but the demon's wings were always longer than Aziraphale's and also, as the duo would later find out, something else was longer too.

After flying the angel and the demon walked back into their villa, arm in arm. Already the sun was setting. Somehow the two had spent the entire day together, without even noticing. The angel didn't want the demon to leave.

He remembered that time when the demon had rescued him because a would be guillotine executor mistook him for an aristocrat. Thanks to Crowley, his head was still on his shoulders.

"Those crêpés were to die for. Literally."
Crowley remarked.

Aziraphale almost jumped out of his skin.

"How..... how....."

"When I'm in contact with a person, and if it's regarding a shared memory, by concentrating I can hear their thoughts."

The angel's mouth dropped open. So every time he thought about their travels together, Crowley could hear?! So that means he heard-

The angel blushed intensely, scared of what was coming next. What he could have been thinking.

"If you wanted to know what I was thinking you could have just asked. You didn't have to hear my thoughts, that was awfully impolite- "

"Would you have told me?"

"Probably not," admitted the angel. "You could have still asked...."

"Bollocks! Oh very well. What are you thinking Aziraphael?"

The angel wandered if Crowley could tell when he lied. It wasn't very nice to lie anyway, so Aziraphale told the demon the truth.

"I want to share a crêpe."

The demon smiled at him. "And?"

"I'm scared to sleep by myself in this big house......" the angel trailed off, shyly raking a hand through his hair.

The demon showed all of his teeth.

"Little angel-"

"I'm not little."

"You better not be referring to your height."

The angel choked on air.

"Little angel, are you proposing that you join me in my bedroom tonight?"

"Perhaps I will!" Shouted the angel clenching his fingers into a fist and marching off, leaving the demon alone with his imagination.

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