7. Interview pt 2

Start from the beginning

My mom always told me my mouth would put me in trouble, I swear she was right! did I just snap at him?

"I'm sorry sir.. I didn't mean to be rude"

"Miss Conway you should watch your language we don't want to get into trouble now do we?"

"I'm sorry Sir"

"It's fine, so what are your strength and weaknesses?"

"I have several strengths namely - I am patient, committed, honest and self-motivated. I am the biggest dreamer I have ever come across! I forgive easily and hate to keep grudges in my heart. My greatest weakness is that I don't like getting interrupted when I am seriously into something. Another one of my weaknesses is that I trust people very easily. As I already said, I am a very patient person, so I am actively working on this lacuna."

"Hmmmm, what is your greatest fear"

"You might think that since I have never worked with my degree before, and this is only my first office job, my inexperience is my weakness. But I beg to differ. I am a fast learner and very open minded. I assure you that I do not carry any pre-conceived notions regarding how I feel I should perform my job."

"What is your ideal company or workplace?"

"My ideal workplace or company is a fair one that values my contributions even as a fresher and encourages me to speak up and share my ideas. It is a place where I can be myself, while working towards a greater goal. My ideal company is the one which can bring forth exciting challenges.
Such opportunities will bring out the best in me as I can use my interests and experiences to grow."

"What is the difference between hard work and smart work?"

"Hard work is what every breadwinner does today, including a rickshaw puller or a daily wager. Smart work is what the educated masses like us are supposed to do, and some of us are actually doing it, like my father. A well-balanced combination of both hard work and smart work is the secret formula to success. I have friends who study all through the year and yet have 10 back papers to clear. They do not have any interview calls in their kitty, and what do you think is the reason behind this? It is their lack of understanding about smart work. All year through, they were only working hard, but not smartly. They did not prioritize their goals properly. Again, there's me, I do not have any back papers and have a decent GPA. I am also attending this interview today. Whatever might be the outcome, I feel I have prioritized my goals correctly and have worked both hard and smart. That is the difference between hard work and smart work "

"Good, how do you handle stress and pressure?"

"I'm not someone who is energized by or thrives in stressful environments. My first step in managing stress is to try to circumvent it by keeping my work processes very organized, and my attitude professional. When clients or associates come to me with issues, I try to look at things from their perspective, and initiate a collaborative problem solving approach to keep the situation from escalating. I find that maintaining an efficient, congenial office with open lines of communication automatically reduces a lot of workplace stress. Of course, sometimes unanticipated stressors will arise. When this happens, I just take a deep breath, remembering that the person I'm dealing with is frustrated with a situation, not with me. I then actively listen to their concerns and make a plan to resolve the issue as quickly as possible."

"To be very honest, I'm impressed! I never knew the clumsy girl at the cafe could be this brilliant" he said with a smile.

I looked down because I didn't want him to see that my face is as red as a tomato!

"I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you"

"Miss Conway,you know fully well that you're aren't the only person I interviewed right? And I want the best out of the best so I'll have take my time to decide who I want as my PA. We would get back to you"

"Alright then, thank you and I'll wait for your call. Bye" I said smiling politely

"You can't even reply or smile back, that's rude" I murmured to myself

"Miss Conway I guess I told you to watch your language"

"I'm sorry" I stood up and made my way out. Just as I was about to step out he said something or am I hearing things?

I looked back and decided to ask him if he said something. I just hope I won't be making a fool out of myself again.

" Did you say something Sir? "

" yes, I said you've been hired. Work starts on Monday, 8 am sharp. I don't tolerate tardiness"

"What?!" I said in a high pitched voice

"Don't you want the job?"

"Off course I do! I'm just surprised. You said you wanted to take your time before you decide and I wasn't expecting it to be so soon"

"You're the best candidate I've interviewed so far. So why not make the decision now?" He replied smirking

"Thank you so much! I promise not to disappoint you"

"You better don't because I can fire you anytime"

I rolled my eyes and stepped out not bothering to reply. On my way out I met Lisa I smiled at her and took the elevator to the lobby.

I walked over to Jenny with a very big smile. I can't help it I'm excited!

"Hi Jenny"

"Hey Kathryn, how was the interview?"

"It was okay but your CEO is the biggest asshole on earth"

"That's him for you, so did you get the job?"

"Yes!" I said cheerfully

"Wow! that's very good! I have a new Friend now" she squealed in excitement

"Yeah, bye Jenny, I'd see you around "

"Bye, take care"

"I will, take care too!"


Y'all remember the guy Katy poured Coffee on? the same guy she hooked up with at the club, the blue-eyed Greek god!
He's the CEO of Brian Donald Enterprise... Isn't it surprising? Like wow they met in Florida!

I know you guys have a lot of questions, please feel free to ask!

Lots of arguments, passion,sparks and conflicted feelings are ahead. And it all started the moment Kathryn got the job as the personal assistant of Jaden!

Yours truly{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now