Chapter 9

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          When I seen her kissing that nigga, my heart just dropped. I thought she liked me but I guess I was wrong; this is why I just fuck bitches and never stay tied down. They all the same, seems like I’ll never find the right one now. I started walking out the club ready to go then Tey & Jess stopped me. “Michael, where the fuck you think you going?” Tey spat at me as I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth. “Man I’m leaving, what the fuck does it look like?” I spat back at her as I looked over to see Bria kissing that nigga which made my blood boil.

“No you’re not, you trippin because she over there with ole dude?” Tey spat at me as I sucked my teeth. “Tey, I’m not worried about her since she gotta new man already. Let her do her & Ima do me, that’s all.” I said as I looked back over to Bria and she was looking right back at me mouthing the words “I’m sorry.” I walked away & looked for Nino who was dancing with this pretty girl and she looked hella familiar but I didn’t bother to look at her again.

As I sat down by the bar, Bria walked over to me & I started to get angry as she came closer and closer. “Ty, can we talk please?” She said softly looking into my eyes. I shook my head yes and we headed upstairs where it was quieter. We sat on the couch and at first we didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry.” We said in unison as we looked at each other and started laughing. “Why did you kiss that nigga, you know I have feelings for you & you do some shit like that.” I said as I messed with my watch refusing to look up at her.

“I only did it cause you were kissing Chyna & you know how much I hate that bitch. She’s always tryna fuck things up for me.” she said softly as she put her hand on my cheek and turned me to face her. “Ty I would never try to hurt you. I know what it’s like to be hurt & I don’t want anyone to go through the hurt I went through.” She whispered to me & flashed her beautiful smile. “I forgive you gorgeous”. I said smiling back as I kissed her on her cheek. “You promise?” She said as she held out her pinky & I held out mines. “I promise beautiful.” I said as i wrapped my pinky around hers and we kissed our thumbs. I looked deep into her brown eyes, leaning into to kiss her as she leaned in to kiss me too.

"Bria! Daddy & Lisa have a surprise for you." Janae burst through the door without knocking as I  moved away quickly so she wouldn’t see what we were doing. "Nae what the hell are you talking about?" Bria snapped at her as she rolled her eyes and walked over to the door. She slapped Nae in the back of her head and I started to laugh as I got up too. "You really know how to fuck up a moment bitch." She said under her breath making sure I didn’t hear her but she sucked at whispering. "Bre shut the fuck up and let me put this blind fold on you." She said as she put the blind fold over Bria’s eyes. I looked at her confused, what the hell were they doing?


Nae blind folded me and I began to get scared, what the hell was my family & friends up to? This was my dad’s party, not mines but whatever. I felt Tyga & Nae hold onto me as I walked down the stairs and I was guessing where the party was because I heard the music get louder and louder. “Well I know my family put this party together for me but it wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t bring someone very special to my beautiful daughter. Will the surprise come out please?” My dad spoke into the microphone as Jordan untied the blind fold.

When I seen who was in front of me, I almost fainted and cried at the same time. It was my bestfriend from Atlanta, Malaysia. I havent seen her in years since my sophmore year in high school. How did my dad even get her here? I started screaming as I ran and jumped on her, hugging her hella tight not wanting to let go. “Bre-Bre, let go! I can’t breathe!” She yelled as I let go wiping away my tears. “Laysia, I fucking missed you so much ! How did my dad get you out here?” I said anxiously as she wiped away her tears too. “Your step mom told me a lot has been going on with you and that me spending some time with you will make you feel better. I got good news though!” She said happily and smiling hella hard.

This girl knew me better than anyone in the world and Lisa was right, her being here should help me stop being depressed, get away from Shad’s abusive ass and hopefully get with Michael. “Stop playing & tell me already!” I said laughing & playfully hitting her. “Well you know how Cali has always been where my heart is right? Well I moved here last month! I live in LA just like you.” She said as she jumped on me. Holy shit my best friend was living in LA & I’m NOW finding about it? I could kill her but I was too happy to do any killing tonight. “Sorry to interupt  but allow me to reintroduce myself!” Shad in his corny Jay Z voice and I rolled my eyes. “I’m Malaysia, I know who you are Mr.Shad Moss.” Malaysia said sweetly as I rolled my eyes once again.

“Bee what’s wrong?” She whispered to me and I said nothing was wrong but I was lying and I knew she knew I was lying too. “Nice to meet you, I’m your bestfriend’s man by the way.” He said as he pulled her into a hug and gave me a death glare as he looked back at me. He was always fucking up a happy moment, especially this one but I couldn’t be worried about his trifling cheating abusive ass tonight. I looked over at Ty & Trell talking and I walked over to him smiling but someone stopped me in my tracks. “Excuse me beautiful but lemme holla at you real quick?” Who the fuck is now trying to mess with me? I just want to be happy tonight ! When I turned around to see who it was, I started crying once again. Tonight is getting better and better…


Who do you think it is? & im gonna post chapter 10 today too since i didnt update yesterday! 

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