Looking up, he saw Sam coming towards him, his arms crossed. "Sam? What-"

"You're supposed to be downstairs!" Sam interrupted, cutting him off. Steve's eyebrows furrowed, until he remembered. Without saying a word, he got up and ran past him. "I'm coming with you." Sam said, as he followed after Steve.

"You want to hang out with a group of teenagers with me?" Steve asked, as he stopped in the elevator, clicking the button to go to the lower floors.

Sam shrugged. "Peter is in the group of teenagers, so why not."

Steve shrugged, as the elevator lowered. 

Once the doors were open, Sam and Steve made their way through the halls of the tower, until they spotted people standing in a group in the distance. "I think that's them." Sam remarked, as they went towards them.

Carrie turned around and saw the pair coming towards them. Relieved that they actually arrived, she bid the group farewell and left. Almost in sync, the whole team turned and saw Steve and Sam standing there.

Peter heard someone whisper in the back about how hot Steve was, or something like that. 

"Oh my god, it's Captain America, I'm totally freaking out." Betty whispered not so quietly, bouncing from foot to foot.

Steve stopped in front of them, and clapped his hands together. "Alright, I have you guys now, so..." Steve greeted. Sam popped up, "and I'm joining in."

In all honesty, Steve had no idea what he was going to do with them. He had completely forgotten about the whole thing, so he didn't have any time to plan. Luckily he had Sam with him, who apparently already had an idea in mind. "We'll be taking you guys on a little adventure." 

Peter rose an eyebrow at him. If Sam was planning what they would be doing, then he had a right to be worried. Turning around, Sam walked away, and Steve followed him, with the rest of the group trailing behind them.

"Where are we taking them?" Steve asked Sam, leaning in to talk to him. Sam looked over at him, opening his mouth to reply, before closing it with a shrug. 

"Sam, what will we do-" 

"I'm going to talk to Peter, you find somewhere to go." 

Peter watched as Sam came over to him, a smile on his face that Peter couldn't decipher. Sam wrapped an arm around his shoulder, without saying a word. "Uh... Hey Sam." Peter greeted, breaking the silence.

"Who have you had so far?" Sam asked, not saying hello in return.

"Oh, uh... Nat and Clint." 

Sam nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Where is Steve taking us?" Peter asked, realizing that they were walking aimlessly down a hallway.

"Not a clue, I don't think he knows either."

"So you guys have no clue what to do?" Peter asked for confirmation.

Sam looked down at him, "pretty much."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Do you have any ideas, Squirt?" Peter heard someone try to stifle a snort from behind them. Glancing back, he saw Sally trying to hold in her laughter. "S-sorry..." She giggled out. "Heh, Squirt." She coughed out, earning a blank stare from Peter.

Sam felt a tap on his shoulder. He glanced to his right and saw a girl with blonde hair walking beside him. "Uh, hi. Could I ask you a question?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers.


The girl smiled. "What's it like being an Avenger?"

Sam seemed to ponder over the question, before answering. "Well, It feels great to help people, and with all the annoying shit that comes along with being an Avenger, it's totally worth it."

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