Date with God

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George and I were having a lovely evening out. We were walking on the beach. Everything felt so perfect. I forgot how amazing the earth is, I probably should since I created it. I never got to fully enjoy it since everyone begged me about fixing their mess because I'm god.

"Hey umm... Ringo... can I maybe hold your hand."

"Sure." I tried to control my power to make sure I didn't hurt George. He held me hand gently.

"I love you y'know." He said with a smile.

"I know everything you and everyone else is thinking. I can always hear the worlds thought." I said with a sigh. Being god was fucking exhausting.

"Do you hear them now?"

"Oddly enough no, I can only hear your thoughts."

"They good ones?" He said with a smirk.

"Wonderful ones." I put my head on his shoulder.

I felt so much better when he was around. All the shit that people say and think disappear. Everything feels picture perfect.

We got close enough to the water where the waves were touching our feet. I pushed George into the ocean.

"What was that for‽" He said laughing.

"I wanted to go for a swim."

"You could've asked!"

George held onto me while we swam out because I knew where everything was. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." I pulled him into an embrace.

"Can we get out of the water? I can't see shit."

"I can see."

"Well I can't."

I took out my drumstick from my back pocket and parted the seas so we could walk back to shore. He was shivering so I snapped again and gave him a jacket. I patted my back pocket to make sure the wedding ring was still there.

"Hey George..." I stopped him in the middle of our walk back to the shore.


I got on my knee and opened the box. The ring turned into a hamburger. Shit the whole parting the seas thing was distracting me.

"Thanks I'm hungry." He said grabbing it. He swiftly ate the entire burger pretty impressive considering we just had dinner.

"George! No! I was trying to give you a Ring but it turned into a hamburger."

"Oh! You're asking to marry me. Can you give me some onion rings too?"

"Jesus, George!" I said laughing.

"I'm not joking, I want onion rings."

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