"Oh c' mon, you two were just sleeping a seconds ago."

"We would be if the two of you mind your own business," I grumbled annoyed by Lacy for cutting my kiss with Maverick short, but at the same time, I was glad because a huge part of me know where that would lead.

"Ohh! Sleeping beauty is awake." This time Sophie said loudly as she steps in our vision holding a cup of what's looks like coffee.

"Good luck with them," Maverick whispered brushing her lips against my cheek before sprinting past them into the hallway, leaving me confused as ever.

Where that little shit just go? She can't just leave me here alone with these two... I can see they ready to start chewing me out because yesterday we had to keep minor details because of my mom who is surprisingly stayed at the dinner. I still don't know why she visited, but she told me she would call to discuss some things.

I wonder what it could be.

"Soooo," Sophie trailed off with a smirk tugging onto her face as she slipped at other couch in the room with her eyes practically telling me to start talking. "How is she... in bed?"

"For the love of god, Sophie. I don't need to know about my sister sleeping shenanigans." Lacy whine making my cheeks paint crimson red color.

"So you're free to go." Sophie dismisses her with a hand not even looking at Lacy side, but she just grumbles and walked toward the couch I was still half lying.

I sat up straight letting her occupy the seat next to me and I had to thank her for keeping me from Sophie as possible. I can't bare with her teasing at such early morning when I didn't even have a good cup of coffee. With that thought, I lifted myself from the couch and walked to the kitchen where I started to make two cups of black coffee.

I heard Sophie grunt at the lack of my response, but what does she expect? Hear how amazing and talented Maverick in bed is? She wishes I would tell her a half things we did or let alone talk about the whole our colorful time in the bed.

"So, tell me. I wanna know details." The brown-eyed girl spoke putting herself on the barstool and folding hands under her chin.

"I'm not going to tell you anything," I grumbled pouring milk into my cup before adding a couple of sugars to the Mavericks.

"Why not?" She whined.

"Because our sex life is none of your business."

This time it was Maverick who said making me look up and see her in the usual work attire. White dress shirt not fully buttoned with the dark blue slacks and shiny black dress shoes. She didn't have her tie and jacket with exposed her sleeve on her right arm.

I bit my lip eyeing her before I caught her already looking at me with a smile and an amused glint in her eyes.

"Here," I slipped a cup of coffee to her side before I start drinking my own coffee.

"Thanks, princess."

"You two are cute, I'm gonna throw up," Sophie spoke ruining our staring contest.

"Shut up," Lacy said walking from the living room with her phone in the hand with an unreadable face while she looked at the Maverick. "Leave them alone." She added this eyeing Sophie with a disappointed look.

Her eyes dart back at Maverick and I instantly knew something is up. A minutes ago she was in a good mood, but now her whole demeanor was off. I narrowed eyes at them as they seem to have freaky sibling conversations which I never understood. I saw this with twins... Jeez, I miss them, I should visit them and Martha.

"We need to talk... alone?" She breathes out eyeing me and Sophie. Maverick nodded and I watch as they walked to Maverick room which I think she used just a couple of times...

"What's that about?"

"I don't know," I shrugged and looked at the watch at 10 am. "I'm going to have a shower, you good?"

"Yeah, I use your computer... have to do a couple of stuff." She lifted herself and we both start walking toward my room, but she walked to the working room where I hold computers.

Taking off my clothes and walking to the closet I picked a black sports bra and black boxers before a walked into the bathroom.

My pale up was still on point and I don't even know why... I slept with it and it usually would be ruined, but not this time. I brushed with fingers through my hair who were longer than before and I thought about cutting them again. Wiping my makeup off I was left with nothing at all... my skin was paler, but cheeks had a color in them and my eyes were strangely sparkling.

With a last look at the mirror, I slipped into the shower and sighed when the hot water hit my back making my muscles tense, but relax in a second. The curiosity wandered inside of my body as I thought what could possibly Maverick and Lacy be talking. From how Lacy after seem should be serious.

I shook head clearing my head from all thoughts and continued to shower.

I rinsed my hair with a strawberry scent shampoo and conditioner later following by a vanilla body gel.

Shutting down the water I step out Of the cabin and wrapped a white fluffy towel around my body and walked to the mirror still debating if I should dry them with dryer or let them dry itself. Deciding the second variant u start brushing them and let them fall off my shoulders.

Drying my skin I put my underwear and walked to the closet where I found blue faded jeans with couple holes in them and a white band shirt I was ready to go something to eat.

At my surprise, Maverick was standing alone without Lacy and I didn't saw Sophie anywhere which mean they either left or Hiding somewhere. I hope it's first. As if she heard me coming to her eyes found me and a grin covered her face as her eyes roamed up and down my body making my skin tingle from her intense gaze.

"Here... I made pancakes." She said pushing a plate with pancakes who were practically drowning in the syrup.

A escape my mouth, but I still sat and start eating. It was delicious even if it has an unnecessary amount of sugar in it. I look up as I felt eyes on me. Her blue eyes were looking strangely at me with an unreadable glint in them.

"Want some?" I asked pushing a fork to her side which she gladly took not even for a second looking away from me.

"Thanks, princess." She smiled using that name who make my stomach full with butterflies and my heart beat faster. "Soo, I was thinking," She said putting elbows on the counter.

"You can think? Oh my god! I didn't know."

"Shut up," She grumbled pulling a playful face to me, making me laugh out loud. "Anyway as I was saying before you cut me off... we should go on a date."

As her words left her mouth I start choking on a bite I was chewing. My eyes swell up with tears and my heart was pounding against my chest and I don't know if it's because of her words or because I'm choking. Probably both.

"Shit sorry, are you alright... here drink." Maverick rushed pushing a glass of water to my side and I mentally thank her before downing half of the glass.

I breathe out at relief when the bite gracefully goes down to my stomach and I could normally breathe. I wipe a single tear who rolled down my cheek and look at worried looking Maverick. She asked me on a date.

"Date?... like a date... date?" I asked slowly gesturing with hands wanting to make sure.

"Yes, princess. Like a real date."

I fell into the silence for a minute thinking all necessary thing I could think about. This is real... she meant it about not running and about wanting to start something serious... I shook head realizing her face hardened as she pushed herself from the counter making my heart shudder to realize I was kept silent for too long probably.

"Forget about it." I heard her mumble slowly before she slips past me, but not before I cough her arm and using strength spun her around so she was facing me.

"Yes," I breathe out with and felt my heart feeling lighter. Her blue eyes shot up winder and they sparkle making me smile at her. "I want to go on a date with you." 

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