||23 Is He Happy?||

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Irfa's pov

Destiny, what is it?

Something that's unpredictable yet amusing. How destiny plays with one's life could be never understood. The same happened to me, my destiny played its game...pushing me into the hardest things and then giving me something I longed for...family.

My grandmother's death was traumatic for me, more than my father and brother's. Maybe I was too small at that time to register things, but when nanu died I lost my only hope.

I came here, found my family and now I am engaged. My family, they did so much for me...and getting engaged to him,I had never ever thought about it. I was hesitant at first but seeing my family happy... I am happy.

I just hope everything turns out good.

“Irfa…Irfa!” Shifa's loud voice snapped me out of my musings, that's a different thing that it made me jump in fear.

“Yeah...what happened?” I asked.

“What happened?...huh?... I am ranting here about my hand for ten minutes straight and here you are...what happened?” She huffed. Sometimes she gets too adorable. I smiled and spoke,

“Sorry my darling I just zoned out.” I hugged her making her squeak. She hated it when someone hugged her.

“Ew...get off me you are mad girl.” she said cringing back and made an adorable face showing how disgusted she was. I let out a chuckle making her raise her eyebrows.

“ Okay...enough let's get sleep.” I said and helped her in lying down as her hand was throbbing in pain. It was a really deep cut and it was obvious that it would hurt.

In just matter of few minutes she was in deep slumber. I smiled at her sleeping form and got down from the bed. The window was opened making the breezy and enchanting air rush inside.  Walking towards it, I glanced up, towards the moon...it was a half moon.

I stood there, looking at the beautiful creation of Allah.

Every thing was perfect...but his behavior was quite strange. It seemed like either he wasn't aware of us being engaged or he wasn't happy.

I should talk to him about his consent... I knew my family was very happy but if he had been forced then I couldn't do this.

With these thoughts in my mind I went to bed and tried to sleep.


“Irfa...can you make coffee for Shehreyar he woke up late today and in hurry.” mama said making me nod in agreement.

“But Khizir how the engagement's news came in the media?” Making his coffee I proceeded towards his room only to stop outside after hearing his angry voice. Why was he so angry?

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