||2 With Hardship Comes Ease||

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It's strange how one's destiny plays. One moment you are here and the other somewhere else. She had never thought that her destiny would lead her to an unknown place but then it was destiny. Her life wasn't the ideal type, yet she had hoped for batter but now it seemed like her hopes had died. She was scared, but no one was there to console her. She was just hopeless...as hopeless as her fate.

Half an hour later they boarded a private jet and it was ready to take off. The jet was truly very beautiful, but she wasn't in state of admiring its beauty.

During the journey her chachu asked about everything. She told him everything from the starting. Hearing her story he couldn't stop his tears. He placed his hand on her head with love and pity in his eyes.

“Beta you have suffered enough....now it's your new beginning. I promise you will never feel alone.” These words felt so soothing to her that she broke into tears. It was tears of fear and pain. Fear of the upcoming and pain of the gone.

“Thank you chachu… I... I am...”

“Don't cry.”

She was being hesitant. Everything was so much new to her just in one day her life turned upside down. Her senses seemed to be getting numb, now and then her past beautiful memories flashed in her mind making me more tough to control her tears.

It was almost night when they reached the Delhi Airport and after another 1-hour ride they reached at a bungalow,it was quite huge...even in the low lights it was looking beautiful.

They stepped out and entered through a large double door. The house was mesmerizing. The yellow lights from the chandelier was bringing out the enticing decorations. Her eyes roamed all around in awe and her trance was broken by her uncle's voice. He was calling some unknown name probably of his family members.

A few moments later a lady of mid forty's entered the room and the very next moment her eyes widened in realization. She almost ran towards Irfa and without any warning embraced her in a warm hug.

“Assalamoalikun”. She greeted hesitantly making the lady look at her lovingly. She caressed her cheeks and replied her greeting.

“Finally you're home.” She whispered with moistened eyes and heavy voice. Irfa could feel her heart-warming at such a small gesture. Her own orbs were teary seeing the motherly love in the lady.

“Mama whose there? Why is baba shouti....” Shifa couldn't even complete her sentence when she saw Irfa. Her disheveled state showing her broken sleep. Taking slow steps towards Irfa she rubbed her eyes.

“Irfa?” A small gasp left Shifa's mouth. She instantly hugged her making Irfa confused as well as smile.

“Oh my God I can't believe this...you are finally home. Baba wasn't lying.” Shifa's enthusiasm was clearly visible in her voice. She was squeaking like a child.

This all was new to her, this love, care and warmth. She hadn't imagined herself being so lucky but then it's destiny...the most unexpected things knocks on your door. Tears escaped the territory of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

“Irfa why are you crying? What happened? “Saba got worried. She instantly came towards her and wiped her tears.

“Nothing aunty.” She whispered.
Saba came near her and hugged her, and she cried in her arms...as if crying in her mother's embrace.

“Beta don't cry you know everything is pre-planned by Allah(swt), and don't call me aunty call me mamma.”

“Mamma.”she said, she never called her anyone with this endearment. It felt unusually beautiful to call someone mamma, mother.

“Shifa where is your brother?” Mr Ahmed asked.

“Baba he didn't return yet.”

“What? He is such an idiot its almost 12 he is still in the office. Let him come he needs a good dose.” Mr Ahmed said and Shifa and Saba laughed and Irfa just smiled. Was this what they called a happy family? And then she realized what she was missing out.

“Baba Irfa will live in my room please.” Shifa pleaded with a pout making her parents smile.

“Ok…but don't trouble her.'' Mr Ahmed said.Shifa held her hand took her to a room. It was quite big with so many things around. The beige and pastel blue combination making it stand out. A large bed laid in the center of the room and large windows welcomed the breeze inside. All in all it was beautiful.

“This is my and yours room Irfa…”

“Jazakallah.” she replied.

“You know Irfa I always wanted to have a sister of my age see Allah gave me one.” Shifa said and hugged her.

“Ok now lets sleep we will do rest of the things tomorrow.” Shifa guided her to the washroom and after getting freshened up she prayed her night prayer and joined Shifa in the bed. Its rightly said, with hardship comes ease.


Assalamoalaikum readers.Hope you liked the 1st Chapter. please comment and vote it means a lot to me❤❤

P.S Siddiqui Mansion above

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