||19 Proposal||

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Shehreyar felt like a bomb was dropped on him. It felt like he was frozen, and he was for few seconds.

'Accept the proposal?' He thought and his reverie broke when he heard Mr Ahmed call him.

“Yes baba?...um actually I think isn't it fast... I mean we should check more about him...honestly speaking I don't like that guy.” I said nervously.

“I don't think so...he is a nice guy he will keep her happy.” Baba want to kill me.

“Ok...let me think... I would tell you tomorrow.” I said looking here for there.

“Shehreyar it's not you who is getting married.” baba said chuckling.

“By the way tell me soon and what about the recent project with Collins?”

“It's going well the whole construction work is estimated to be done till the years end.” I replied still lost in my thoughts.

“Hmm ok...you can leave, and I won't go to office tomorrow.” Baba said.

Nodding at him I came out if the study and started walking towards my room. Baba is so adamant about this proposal. I can't let this happen, I have to do something.

And my family they didn't think of me for Irfa... I am well-educated, rich, handsome of course. They don't love me…they should have thought of me.

Oh...they should have thought about you but Mr Handsome... Well-educated and rich Shereyar do you behave nicely with her...all time you keep shouting on her then?

Suddenly my inner voice popped in and it's not wrong

What should I do? Now dad was so eager to accept this proposal. I think I should get someone's help in convincing baba and mom...but who?

Yes... Khizir. He will surely help me.
I went directly to my room and called Khizir to meet me early the next morning.

Writer's pov
Irfa got up and got ready for work. As soon as she stepped out of her room she saw Shehreyar standing near the door with his hands up like he was going to knock.

“Assalamoalakium...good morning.” He said with a beautiful smile showing his perfect white teeth.

She was shock or more than it...he came to greet her and was smiling and talking nicely...she was standing like statue looking or rather staring him.

“Irfa…what happened? Oh! By the way I came to ask that have you prepared the file for today's meeting...baba is not going office today so you will assist me.” He said calmly and politely.

No response...she was still shock at his behavior. The shock was too much to react.

“Irfa… Irfa! I am talking to you.” he said clicking his fingers.

“Huh?...yes I prepared, but it needs a little alteration by you or baba and your signature.” She said in a go.

“Ok give it to me I will see rest.” Hr said and turned back to go...after walking few steps he again turned back and spoke,

“You look nice.” He then continued walking leaving a surprised, amazed and most importantly shocked Irfa. Why was he so changed?

“Ok...what was that?” She murmured to herself and went in the direction he had gone.

She got down and saw everyone on the dinning table having breakfast. She sat near Saba and took some prathas in her plate.

“Mamma...” she whispered so only Saba could listen.

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