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Jimin sighs, watching a puff of white wisps leave his mouth and blow into the cold dawn. It's almost 3 am and he cursed himself for getting too caught up in choreographing his dance piece in the studio that he lost track of time, only stopping once his body ached and begged for him to rest. He blinks slowly at the wet and cracked concrete, fatigue taking a toll on his body. It's Saturday anyways and he doesn't have to worry about going to school later, except he has stacks of modules waiting to be revised and home works to be finished at home. He's a graduating college student and he can't really find it in himself to complain when in a few months he'll finally graduate, and he's way too excited to let the stress get to him.

Just a couple more minutes and he'll finally be home, with this thought he smiles to himself-that is until he heard a small yelp followed by a terrified high-pitched scream causing him to snap his attention towards the noise. The area he's walking is dark with most of the street lights not working or doing little to no job at illuminating the side walk so he had to squint to see a black van parked a few meters away from where he stood, beside the vehicle seem to be two men struggling to get something inside the van, or rather someone when he realized that they were man-handling what seems to be a little girl thrashing wildly in their arms. He stopped himself from letting out a gasp before ducking down to hide behind a large trash can next to a tree.

Jimin gulped, running a hand through his blonde hair as he quickly think of a way to save the kid. Its not like he can just ran away and leave the little girl to these men to god knows where and hurt her. He grabs his phone from his back pocket and presses the power button only to find out that it's dead, there goes his hope of calling for help. Jimin can't help but bite his bottom lip harshly in frustration. He glances around to look for a weapon, spotting the metal lid of the trash can before slowly and quietly lifting it up and brought it closer to his body. He grabbed a rock the size of his fist at the base of the tree where he's hiding before throwing it at the nearby wall, it's impact hard and loud enough to catch the kidnappers attention and for them to halt their attempt at transferring the girl inside the van.

"Junhee go check that out."

"Make sure the girl doesn't run."

He heard footsteps going to his direction and once it's loud enough and he can feel the mans presence, Jimin hoisted himself up from his crouched position and swung the metal lid to the kidnappers head, the man stumbled back and before he could recover he hit him again square on the head twice then Jimin proceeded to kick him in his groin only for the man to grab his ankle. Beside the vehicle, the little girl took this as an opportunity to bite the man's hand that has a tight hold around her chest like what she remembered her daddy teaching her. 'That's why you gotta keep your teeth strong and healthy.' He had said. She turned around when the man grunted back in surprise and kicked his left kneecap causing him crash down on his knees with a loud cry, once eye-to-eye level, the little girl forcefully jabbed her middle finger knuckles into the mans eyes and ran to find a hiding spot.

The little girl peeked from where she's hiding to see the blonde man fighting the other guy twice his size, he's barely managing but with a punch to the nose of the bad guy who swayed to the side, he did a pretty hard blow to his stomach. Silently cheering for him, the little girl didn't notice the other man who was previously on his knees to finally recover and stand up to help the other into cornering the nice blonde guy.

In his stupor state, Jimin noticed that the other guy wasn't holding the little girl anymore and that the van is still wide open, he realized that she must've escaped already and that's what all matters. So what if he's now getting beaten to pulp? At least he knows the kid is safe, she has enough time to run and get help and go back home to her parents arms, after all these hooligans seem to take their sweet time in beating him up and already forgot about the girl. Talk about bad kidnapping. Jimin didn't bother fighting back, knows that they will eventually get tired and leave him bleeding. It hadnt even occurred to him that this might the end of him until he starts seeing black spots in his vision until he succumbed into darkness.

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