𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯 (part 1)

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I triumphantly grin at Chase as he collapses to the floor with his hands on his head in defeat. The laughter of the rest of the guys resonates through the basement.

"That's it Mia!" he yaps "I give up, who's next?" All the guys shake their heads. They all know they have no chance at beating me at COD. I'm the champion. Last time someone beat me was last year when Ben had tampered with my custom during gun game.

"Okay Mia, you're not allowed to play for 25 minutes because no one wants to verse you." Jason declares, "Okay, Dwayne's on my team, Chase you go with Ben."

I huff in response and cross my arms frustratedly.

"You're just being a sook because I'm better than you!"

"Hey!" He responds without a slither of remorse, "It's not my fault there's not more than four way split screen, go contact the creators of Call of Duty." Jason shrugs.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have an older brother. He's lame and annoying and just upset because I'm twice the guy he'll ever be. Wait I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not..

"Oh and by the way," continues Jason, not looking up from the screen and fingers moving wildly on the controller "since you decided you aren't playing anymore" decided wow "can you please go pick up Jake from his friend's house, I think the address is on the fridge."

"Who friend?" I ponder "I thought him and Toby aren't friends anymore." I tuck a strand of dyed blonde hair behind my ear.

"No not Toby, this is a new friend, a chick I think." Says Jason with a wave of his hand, still focused on the game. "Selena, Sarah? I don't know."

"So does that mean I can drive your car?" I ask excitedly.

"Hahaha no." Jason laughs as if the thought of me even stepping near his car amuses him, "You can walk, it's not that far."

I sigh exasperatedly before grumbling 'fine.' And ascending the stairs out of the basement.

Sure enough, stuck onto the fridge with a cheap, letter magnet is a piece of paper that reads: sienna's address. That birdbrain wasn't even close to guessing her name right. I'm glad Jake got new friends other than Toby. He was a bad influence and I'm pretty sure he throws rocks at little girls.

6051 Phillip ave ???

But that's Eli's address! Ohmygosh Eli's sister's name is Sienna! Wow I see what's happened here. Jake made friends with that asshole's sister.

I throw myself back downstairs to the basement and swing the door open with a crash. All the guys turn their heads and look at me with dumbfounded expressions.

"Jason, go pick up Jake yourself. You're the one with the car." I howl before fiddling with the cords behind the TV and try to unplug the PlayStation. Who even likes PS4 anyways. I miss the good ol' Xbox360 days.

The boys whine loudly and yell at me to plug it back in and Dwayne grunts unhappily.

"I'm sorry but unless Jason goes and picks up his brother you're all versing me."

That's all the boys needed to hear to groan and hiss at Jason to pick up Jake.

"Fine Mia, you can use my car!" Jason growls frustratedly while running his fingers through his brown hair, "Jesus if I knew you'd make such a big fuss of it.."

There was no way I was going to Eli's house. He would never leave me alone.

"No. You do it yourself." I retort as the boys just unpatiently witness the exchange.

𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮 |Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu