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"He's just, he's like perfect" Summer gushes and I roll my eyes. We're currently stalking her new obsession from under the dirty bleachers.

"Why don't you go talk to him instead of being a creep." I suggest and she shrugs.

"I need to know him first before actually talking to him so that I can casually bring up one of his interests and have him fall in love with me on the spot. Duh." Summer chuckles.

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I really don't want to stay up all night with her, Facebook-stalking all his relatives.

"Your lame." I sigh, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. As if the heavens was on my side, the bell sounds.

"Come on, creep" I urge, "time for class." Summer nods and we exit the bleachers.

As we're walking to class Wilson Miller, the guy Summer and I were previously stalking, is walking slightly ahead of us. I shake my head and giggle. I've been friends with Summer for a really long time and I've been present for all of her strange crushes.

As I'm about to walk into my class I give Summer a brief wave, signalling I cannot join her further in her stalker adventures, not that she notices as she's too invested watching Wilson who is completely oblivious.

When I enter Biology for the first time, my eyes wander around the room. I notice people I know. Chase, Gerome, Melissa, Larissa. Then my eyes land on a particular set of hazel ones and I sigh. Eli just sends me a smug look and a wink. The desks are arranged in doubles and the seat next to his is the only one left. I blame Summer for this.

The teacher has his back to the class as he's writing introductory notes on the board. I desperately scan the class once more and do a double take when I realise there is a nearly unnoticeable seat in the back corner, next to a skinny guy who's invested in what I think is drawing in a note pad. The Heavens really likes me today.

My eyes light up and I stick my tongue out at Eli. His eyes widen in surprise as I walk straight passed him and to the back of the class.

"Hey," I muse quietly. The guy sitting at the back jolts suddenly, bringing his attention to me. I smile politely. "Is this seat taken?"

"No, not at all." He responds kindly and removes his stuff from the other side of the desk. I get a quick glance of detailed sketches and I take seat.

"Mia Sanders." I spoke, introducing myself.

"Noah Lewis." He responds with a smile.

Biology lasts and hour but feels like half. In a flash, I'm packing my things and making my way to the exit.

"You're very clever, Mia." Eli chants as I exit the classroom. "But I'm not that easy to avoid." His eyebrows raise humorously because we have childcare next.

"Yes I know. I've been looking forward to this period all day." I hum with a sarcastic smile and an eye roll.

I honestly enjoyed last period though. The teacher's name is Mr Stalk. He's a tall, lanky man with dark grey, upturned hairs scattered on his square head. Noah is really nice and likes sketching superheroes, though he's too shy to show me. We were informed on what we'd be doing all year and started our first topic. Overall the class was pretty smooth.

"Do you remember that time you bashed me up in the playground?" Eli says, out-of-the-blue. I inwardly giggle.

"Hmm care to remind me?" I laugh, knowing perfectly well what time he's talking about.

Jason had left his robot toy, used to exterminate mine and Summer's innocent barbie dolls, in the sandpit. He was looking for it everywhere. The next day when we went to the park, we found Eli in the sand pit with Mr Megachine. Jason, thinking Eli had stolen it, tried to attack him but ended up getting pinned to the floor so I jumped in and gave Eli a black eye. When Eli told us he'd just found it there, I remembered Jason leaving the toy and I immediately apologised. He told his mom he'd got the injury from falling off the swing and that's how we became friends. Honestly it's a really funny story.

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