I love you 3000

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Charlie came back from an out of town job. It's been  two days since their last convo (Julia). Little did she know, Julia prepared a welcome back party at Drew's house.

Charlie opened the door and the lights are off. "Anybody home?" No one's answering. She turned the lights on. "WELCOME HOME!!!" They all greeted Charlie with a huge smile.

"Whoa! Thank you guys!" When Charlie saw Julia her she came to her and hugged her tight. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too baby."
They didn't talk about the issue anymore. Charlie trusted Julia and she knows that everything's gonna be alright.
"Bati na tayo ha?." Julia
"Opo." Charlie answered
"Wait you don't have work today?"
"I told Jin that I'll be spending this day with you."
"That's sweet."
"One week kitan di nakita no."
Charlie hugged Julia again.
"Sobrang namiss kita."

They stayed at Julia's place.

"Baby, do you want to put up a business?" Julia asked Charlie
"Yeah, if there's a chance."
"I have few more shoots with the series and it's going to be done."
"Why did you suddenly thought of a business."
"Hmm, I wanted to have a happier life I guess."
"Are you not happy with your work?"
"I'm happy but I hate the fact that I can't tell people that I am with you. I want the whole world to know that I love you and I can't do that if I stayed in the industry."
"But baby that's your dream."
"Before, I made my dream come true. I worked hard but right now you are my priority. I realized that it is important that you are happy than to be successful in life."
"Did you eat something or did something while I am away? You've changed a lot Julia Kim."
"What? Naaaah! Seriously, I just want to happy inside out."
"Whatever decision you're going to make, I'll give you my support. I love you 3000."

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