Media Play

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Julia, Jin and Kent met a coffee shop. They're planning for a media play to cover the issue with the paparazzis.

"So here's what were going to do. Kent, you need to pick up Julia on a nearby restaurant, then Julia you need to get into the car. Make sure that they're gonna see your face. Then, go to the nearest park. I am sure that the paparazzis will follow you guys. We need to make this work okay."

"Julia, please." Jin
"I will, Jin."
"And Kent, thank you for helping us."
"It's my pleasure, Julia after this I hope you can give  me a chance to be friends with you."

They started the plan, Jin saw someone is following Julia while she approached Kent's car. It is working, Kent drove to the nearest park and he acted sweet towards Julia.

"Julia, I understand your situation that's the reason why I am helping you out."
"Thanks by the way."
"Know I get why you are moody when I am around. You're not in to guys like me."
"Yeah, 100%."
"You're so mean. Haha we can still be friends right?"
"I think so."
"You can also count on me on this one."

Julia and Kent's photo spread on the internet in a blink of an eye. People are talking about it and concluding that they are in a relationship. Other websites wrote a story behind it without confirming facts.

Jin saw the photos and the stories online. She called Julia, "Hey, I think our plan worked."
"Yeah, it worked. I don't know what Charlie's gonna say about this, probably I'll end up being alone."

Julia disconnected the call.

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