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"One of our activity is to co-write a song, I will let you work on a song for week and present the lyrics on the next session. Please choose your partner" - Facilitator

"Niki, please choose me" Charlie begged Niki
"Okay, whatever"
"Yes!!!" Charlie was so happy that she hugged Niki. Niki just smiled. "Sorry Niki, I am just honored to co-write a song with you" Charlie can't hide her happiness.

The training was dismissed..

"Hey, Charlie! Let's talk about the concept of the song if you like" Niki asked Charlie
"Yeah sure, where?"
"I don't know, cafe or somewhere quiet so we can think"
"I think we can go to a place where we can use instruments, for me the melody is important before writing the actual lyrics"
"Yeah, you're right. I have a mini studio at home we can use that if you like"
"Perfect" - Charlie

Marco Julia's friend passed by the building he saw Charlie and Niki together.

"Hey, Charlie!" Marco greeted her.
"Hi, Mar..Marco right?"
"Yes, it is nice to see again. Here's our company's address you can drop by there and visit her. You know what I am saying right."

Charlie just smiled. "Charlie, let's go" Niki shouted.

"Marco, I gotta go. Bye"

They arrived at Niki's place. "Woah, I can't believe I'm in your house" - Charlie
"Feel at home. So this is the studio, I have piano, guitars and other small intruments. Should we start?"
"Mmm, I'm a bit hungry. Do you want to eat first?"
"Okay, I don't know how to cook. Let's just have a food delivery"
"Since we'll be working in your place, I'll pay for the food"

"Let's start of thinking what should be the topic of our song or the title" - Niki

Charlie's tapping her head. "Are you okay Charlie?" Niki asked her
"Yeah, I'm good. My brain is not functioning well"
Nike smiled, she thinks Charlie as a cute little boy.

"Maybe we can focus on sad love, what do you think. You might have ideas for it." - Niki

"Yeah, I think so. Let's start writing our own lyrics and then once we're done let's compare and decide on the final words."

"I'm cool with that." -Niki

Music of my Heart (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora