"Yes, Priestess Kaede?"

Her face was grim and there was a certain light in her eyes that wasn't typically present. Gently, she took my hand within her wizened fingers and I glanced down at her quizzically. "Child," she said. "I have a small gift for ye."

I watched as she carefully removed a pouch hanging from around her neck. From within, she managed to dig out what looked like a bracelet. It was made up of worn leather, with a transparent jewel glittering from the light of the sun strapped to its center.

A small smile brought up the side of my mouth. "Oh, Kaede, it's beautiful," I murmured. "But you didn't have to get me anything."

Her answering smile was warm, like a grandmotherly hug. "Nay, child. Take it with ye and carry it always. May its power protect ye."

Before I could protest once again, she assisted me in twining its leather around my wrist. The gem winked up at me, burning orange in the oncoming sunset. "What power does it hold?"

Kaede did not answer immediately. She appeared to be searching for the right words. "In thy darkest hour, ye will know," she finally said.

My "darkest hour," huh?

That exchange still confused me, years later. But, despite it all, I never failed to carry the bracelet on my person. Her cryptic response made it all the more intriguing.

I froze. Watching the sun's rays play along the crystal, a ray of golden light hit it at just the right angle. It was almost sunset and now the jewel lit up with that golden hue. The sight made my heart skip a beat. I swallowed painfully, tearing my gaze away from the exact color of His eyes.

"Damn..." I murmured.

I was just stumbling to my feet when motion at the edge of the clearing caught my attention. I braced myself, gripping the tall spear in my left hand. I didn't call out, but awaited the trespasser to reveal themselves. Seconds later, a young woman appeared from the shadows. Her face was stricken with fear and her fine, dark hair was in disarray.

"P-please!" She exclaimed when she noticed my presence, tripping over her own feet. She slammed to the ground, skinning the palms of her hands in the process, and looked up at me fearfully. "Please! Can you please help me?"

The woman appeared terrified, but she did not seem to have sustained any injuries aside from her own clumsiness. Warily, I approached the girl in case this was by chance a trap. That wouldn't be the first time.

"Are you injured?" I asked, scanning our surroundings in case of ambush. Carefully, I found my way to her side and extended my free hand to her.

Hesitantly, she took it. "I-I-I am well. But it is my sister!" The woman peered into the trees behind her, as if searching for her there. "We were on our way to the demon hunter village when she collapsed in the forest."

I glanced up at her sharply. "The village? Did she need to be healed?"

Her eyes widened. "Why, yes! She has been gravely ill and we've been traveling for two days. Do you know of the encampment?"

"I live there." I slid the spear back into its place at my back. "Lead me to her and I will do my best to help."

The woman appeared conflicted, possibly unsure if I was worth making the trip back. But her fear for her sister's well-being won out and she led me back through the bushes she had crashed through earlier. Throughout our trip, we did not make small talk; I tried to engage her, but did not press when she only gave one-word responses. Worry and fear reigned in the silence.

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