Secretly In Love

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Hyuuga Neji x Tenten

C h a p t e r⠀T h r e e

"Now...let's play the last game!" Ino shouted, sounding even more excited than before. "I saved the best game for last." She said, smirking. "Let me guess. Seven minutes in heaven?" You asked apathetically, knowing that this was her favourite. "You guessed it!" She answered with enthusiasm. She walked over to the boys and started handing out pieces of paper to each of them. "All of you boys, write a word that describes yourself on that piece of paper and put it in this bucket!"

The boys thought for a bit, and each wrote down a word. "This is so troublesome..." Shikamaru complained. All the pieces of paper were put into the bucket, "who wants to go first?" Ino asked, grinning. Tenten stood up and walked up to the bucket, she hadn't participated much in the previous games and she had been waiting for her chance to play.

She reached into the bucket and fiddled with the pieces of paper until she pulled one out. Tenten stared at the piece of paper, "genius?" She read out. She looked around the room, her eyes stopping at Neji. "Did you write this Neji?" Tenten asked. Neji stood up as he sighed, "and I thought I could get over this party without having to do anything..." Naruto started laughing, "who calls themselves a genius?"

You, Naruto and Ino rushed over to Neji and Tenten, forcefully pushing them into the closet. Ino chuckled, "have fun in there~" Naruto locked the door and yelled to Neji who was inside, "make this game fun, will ya?" Neji blushed slightly, but Tenten couldn't see because it was quite dark in the closet. "Shut up Naruto." Neji replied, flustered.

Tenten was fiddling with her fingers, like what Hinata always does. Unexpected from her, but maybe she was nervous? Neji turned around, searching for Tenten, but his eyes hadn't adapted to the dark yet. Neji was flustered, he probably didn't want to accidentally trip over Tenten or something because he couldn't see her. "Byakugan!" Neji looked around the closet using byakugan and his eyes stopped at the corner, where Tenten was sitting. "Neji? You there?" She asked softly. Neji didn't reply, but walked over to her. Neji kept his byakugan on but he failed to realise that Tenten had stretched her legs out. What he tried to avoid the most happened... he tripped over her legs, falling on top on her.

"N-Neji?! What are you doing?" Tenten cried out in surprise. Neji was so agitated due to what he had done and struggled to get off her, but the closet was so small he couldn't do it so easily. "I-I'm so sorry Tenten... I couldn't see you and accidentally tripped over you..." Even after knowing it was an accident, Tenten was blushing deeply. Could it be that she has feelings for Neji?

Before Tenten could say anything back, the closet door opened. "Your time's up~!" Ino said, peering into the closet. "OH NO." Neji thought to himself, sweat dropping. Ino gasped to what she saw, "w-woah..." You and Naruto rushed over to see what was happening and ended up with the same reaction as Ino. "What the hell were you guys doing in there?!" Naruto shouted. Before Neji could explain, everybody else gathered around the closet and saw Neji and Tenten in that awkward position. Both of them blushed in embarrassment as Neji yelled out, "WAIT! I CAN EXPLAIN-"

"No explanation is needed Neji, we can tell that you guys had fun in there." Kiba stated with a huge smirk on his face. "I-It's not like that!" Tenten shouted. "Neji... Tenten... so you guys were secretly doing these kind of stuff when I wasn't around?!" Lee asked in shock. "NO LEE! IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT, GEEZ!" Neji yelled as he got off Tenten quickly. Lee was relieved while the others were disappointed to hear that it was only an accident. "But we never know what they actually feel for each other~" You added as you smirked at Tenten, who was still sitting in the closet with her cheeks slightly pink.

Party Games (Kiba/Shikamaru x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat