Chapter 10

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The next morning Rick still refused to take your handcuffs off while they all secured the church.

By the time it was midday you all hit the road in the back of some delivery truck.

Rick drove with Noah in the passenger seat to instruct him where to go while the rest of you sat in the back of the truck.

Nobody really said anything as you all sat in silence, Sasha and Tyreese sitting on one side while you and Daryl sat on the other side, your backs leaning against the sides of the trucks.

You weren't sure how long you were driving for before Rick finally pulled the truck over and you all snuck inside some kind of building that was a few buildings over from the hospital where Beth and Carol were being kept.

"Well, what's next on the agenda?" Sasha questioned as you all sat down in a small circle trying to figure out the next part of the plan, although Rick still had the damn cuffs on your wrist.

Rick began to lay down the plan and you liked his plan, but it had a lot holes in it and Tyreese must have noticed as well.

"All it takes is one of those cops going down the hall at the wrong time. Then it's not quiet. All hands on deck. We're talking about a lot of bullets flying around." Tyreese pointed out and you hated that the man was right. It was a risky plan, but nobody had any other ideas.

"If that's what it takes." Sasha responded, but her brother shook his head.

"It's not. If we get a couple of her cops alive out here, we do an even trade. Theirs for ours. Everybody goes home." The man explained and nobody said anything for a few seconds as they thought about that idea.

"It'll work. Ya say this Dawn, she's just tryin' to keep it together, right?" Daryl asked, looking over at Noah who nodded.

"Ya take two of her cops away, what choices does she have? Everybody goes home. Like he says." Daryl finished, pointing towards Tyreese and you nodded in agreement.

"So, now that we have a plan are you going to get these cuffs off or what?" You asked, holding your hands up towards Rick who seemed hesitant before he pulled the key out from his pocket and unlocked the cuffs.

You watched as pulled them away and you rubbed your wrists relieved that they were finally free.

You gave Rick a small nod and he nodded back, but didn't make any move to give your weapons back yet and you weren't going to push your luck.

It was fairly easy to capture two of their men with Noah being used as bait. He fired a few rounds of a handgun without a silencer and within five minutes one of the cop cars showed up and then the rest of you came out from behind a building and handcuffed the cops.

"Mind if I ask you something? The way you talk, the way you carry yourself... were you a cop?" The male police officer asked looking at Rick, although you had no idea if the man really was a police officer or now just wearing someone else uniform.

Before Rick had a chance to answer another car suddenly sped around the corner and you watched in panic as Rick and the others all opened fire on the car while ducking for cover being wooden crates.

All you could do was drop down behind one of the crates with Daryl, since you didn't have any weapons of your own and watch as the cops you had just handcuffed got pulled into the car before it sped off around the corner behind a building.

Without saying anything the group of you all ran after the car, but as soon as you turned the corner you spotted the car parked with the doors open in the middle of an area that had recently been burnt.

Sucker for Pain ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang