Mari Kurihara

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From Prison School. After seeing this anime, I was so surprised when watching that it consists of women who control a student ratio where females are more common than men. And seeing the student council president take the role, I can only say one thing: power is sexy.


Hachimatsu Academy, formerly an all-girls academy, is now under a new chairman, a male, who has decided to integrate boys into the institution to increase the ratio. Six boys: Kiyoshi Fujino, Takehito Morokuzu aka Gakuto, Shingo Wakamoto, Jōji Nezu aka Joe, and Reiji Ando aka Andre. And last but not least: Y/N L/N. These boys are in for a ride of their life.

Present day

The Underground Student Council, or the USC, are a group of students that many students around the academy do not want to encounter. One rule that is deemed ridiculous can be seen in the halls: no fraternizing with the boys in the academy. An incident many years ago prompted the council to establish that doctrine and the girls tend to follow it to avoid the wrath of the USC.

That infamous night

(This scene re-enacts it)

For the one boy: Y/N L/N aka you. You decided to get some fresh air before calling it a night. So you took a look at the stars. And you hear the five boys plotting something. Sounds like it's a plot to peep into the girls' baths. You had a copy of the student handbook that said: anything that can be deemed as sexual assault or demeaning to women would result in a punishment: in school suspension, or prison on school grounds. But there's a saying when involved in a murder or have bad company: wrong place at the wrong time.

The next day

Couldn't have been a greater day, right? Wrong! Like Edmond Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo, you were wrongfully committed of a crime you had no part of. Accused of peeping into the girls' baths. The boys knew you were there, but did not take part of their plan. Kiyoshi tried to plead your innocence, but all he got was a riding crop to the face by the USC Vice President: Meiko Shiraki.

Since you don't want to fight the head of authority, you just went with it

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Since you don't want to fight the head of authority, you just went with it. Except before you were sentenced, you came to face to face with the Underground Student Council President: Mari Kurihara. "Hmm. Y/N L/N, the self proclaimed innocent boy. Kiyoshi tried to help you, but we didn't listen. You were on the roof at the time of the incident. Correct?" You nod. "And the boys say you aren't involved the peeping, but you were there, making you just as guilty by being there." And like the dominating matriarchy at the academy, she just whaled you with a slap across the face. "You won't be sentenced for a month in this prison. No, I like you. Two weeks in prison. And there's a catch: you'll be my bitch for those two weeks when you're with me. Meiko or Hana will escort you to and from the prison. That's all. Meiko, take him to his cell." Meiko took you by the arms as cops do taking down a suspect prior to arrest. And those two weeks will be filled with confusion and maybe romance because you like girls who can take power.

Week 1 of your two week sentence

"L/N!" You hear Meiko shout your name. "Yes ma'am." You say to her. "Madam President wants to see you. Let's go." Same routine the last three days. You did your week of labor as it was required around the prison. But for some reason, you were labeled as the favorite of the president by Shingo and Gakuto. Bit envious, though. "Ah, Y/N. Just the boy I wanted to see. Meiko, you may leave." "Yes ma'am." She closes the door behind her. "Tea, Mr. L/N?" She asks you. "Yes, please." You respond. She gives you a cup. "I've been hearing on campus that you were not involved in the peeping incident. They said you like to go to the roof to watch the stars every night after a long day of schoolwork. I may look into that. Tell me, Mr. L/N, what do you like in a woman?" She said to you with a bit of a smirk. "Well, um, the girls here are cute, but there's a feature that none have: that's assertiveness." I say. "I see. So you believe power is sexy? Tell me this, am I that woman?" You blush red as a nuclear reactor. "Blushing, huh? I take it I peak your interest. Well I am the president of this council. Why not Meiko? Those breasts of hers do tend to make the perverts lunge at her like wild animals." "Boobs do make a woman, but I'm not like those animals you call perverts." "And Hana?" "She's cute, knows how to handle herself in a fight, but something about her seems a bit off, and she's not my type. Don't tell her that. She'll want to chop my balls off." (Anyone get that?) "My lips are sealed. So out of all of us, you choose me. How bold." She sits next to you and gets really close to you. Like two people sitting on the same row on a bus or train. "Do I make you crazy? Tell you what? I won't call you my bitch and I'll make you my lover but we'll keep it between us and not let Meiko, Hana, or the other prisoners know. Only if you can show me you can be assertive and I'll be happy to be your girlfriend." Well then, Y/N, time to get this final exam done. Be assertive and the girl you secretly fell in love with is yours. '20 seconds of courage.'  You say internally. You grab her hand and arm and pull her close to you. Your E/C eyes starting into those green gemstones that's her eyes. "Those eyes or are they gemstones you got, Mari?" You say. "When did you become such a charmer?" Mari says. "Since I enrolled here." You say before planting your lips onto hers. You passed your final exam from the University of Manhood. She kissed you back and you figured out life at Hatchimasu Academy won't be so bad after all, even if you are serving a two week sentence at Prison School.

And that is that. Prison School was one of the notorious animes I've watched. And Mari was one of my favorite characters from the USC despite it being a dominant matriarchy. I really hope Prison School gets a second season because I want to see the new lives of the five boys outside of prison.

Next time: Levy Mcgarden from Fairy Tail

Next time: Levy Mcgarden from Fairy Tail

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