Chapter 15

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"Go ahead ask all the questions you want because it's his nap time and it's about to be mine," I joked as I laughed.

"Why didn't you tell you were pregnant and why did you want to keep it a secret ?"

"Okay so first, I don't know. I'm thinking I was just scared. The only person who knew was Zion and I just wanted him to feel the same way I felt," I shrugged. "I admit I should've told you but it's not like you asked me," I added as he frowned. "I'm joking chill. I kept it a secret because if I wasn't going to tell you I was pregnant that meant me keeping it a secret."

"You know I would've helped you ? I wouldn't have judged or anything," he said genuinely.

"I know, I know okay ? I-I just I don't know," I sighed as he grabbed my hands. "When I met your wife I felt bad for what we did. About us sleeping together, kissing in y'alls two house," I explained throwing one of my arms up being dramatic. "She's so pretty and she was so nice to me to the point where I wondered why you even decided to mess with me. I'm not special and I'm not saying that in a way of downing myself I'm just not."

"You are special. You're special to me," he said as my eyes got glossy. He pulled me into a soft but dominating kiss. I moaned against his lips as I relaxed. As he pulled back, we rested our foreheads against one another.

"I'm sorry," I said looking him in the eyes. It was hard but I did it. "I'm sorry for not telling you about me being pregnant. I'm sorry for leaving you hanging throughout my pregnancy. I was really focused on the baby and work because you know ? I can't work for a few weeks. Imma be here with him all the time,"
I sighed. "I'm really, really sorry Aiden," I said as a tear fell.

"My wife was someone special at the beginning but that spark we had ? that's gone. I'm falling for someone new. Falling harder and harder for this person," he smiled as I smiled back. He wiped my tear and pulled me so I'd be sitting on top of him.

"Do you have any other questions for me, ?" I asked softly.

"It was if you even actually liked me but as I saw, it's clear you do," we both sighed and sat in silence as I laid on his chest.

A knock on the door woke us up and I groaned going to go open it. I opened it rubbing my eyes.

"Yes ?" I said then my eyes widen. "What is it, Zion ? Do you have my papers ?"

"Yes, I do. I already signed them, do whatever else you want," he said walking in putting them on my kitchen counter.

"Thank you. You can leave because ion even know how you figured out where I lived," I said with some confusion but mainly sass. He scoffed and eyed Aiden before walking out. "Oh and don't try anything because you know you're not about it," I yelled while he was walking down the hall.

<4 months later>

Bianca and I are finally getting a divorce. We both sat down and discussed it was for the best. We both wished each other the best as we signed the paper. We also agreed that she'll keep the house while I find another place to live. She said I can take as long as I want to move everything out because there is no bad blood between us. It went very, very smoothly.

Trinity doesn't know yet but I'll tell her when I meet her tonight.

Trinity went back to work within 5 weeks of her leave. I wanted her to stay and take the full 6 weeks, but me telling Trinity what to do? That wasn't going to work. She would lie in my face and do it behind my back. She wouldn't lie about any sneaky stuff or anything like that. She too straight up for any of that mess. She hates to hurt anyone's feelings but she's evil. I really feel it. She's never showed it but I feel like she'd do some evil shit.

It was really just a quick exchange because we talked about all of this ahead of time. Nobody knows about baby Tyler. Other than her family, Zion, and his family. I haven't told my family yet but I plan on doing it within the next two weeks or so.

When I got back to Trinity's place she was in the bedroom admiring Tyler. I got in bed with her kissing her cheek as she sighed.

"Bianca and I are divorced by the way," I smiled as she turned to me. "What ? I thought you would've been happy."

"I already told you I didn't want to ruin you guy's relationship. She was so nice and pretty-"

"Trinity," I lifted her chin. "Our relationship was already down the drain when you came into the picture. You didn't do anything wrong, I promise," I caressed her cheek.

"She was still nice to me and when you got back she kissed you and was overjoyed-"

"She hasn't done that in months before that. You're the only girl that I wanted to be with since we had our first moment. I didn't want you to meet her because I thought we would've started fighting in front of you and that wasn't something I wanted to do. That junk right there is embarrassing. I wouldn't want that to happen in front of anyone," I sighed. "Her being nice to you...I don't know. To fool you like we had the best relationship. It's not like after the meeting that she didn't ask me if I liked you. Even she thought I had feelings for you and she wasn't even mad about that," I said as Tyler giggled and we smiled. "Whatever happened in that marriage had nothing to do with you," I said kissing her forehead.

She looked up into my eyes and kissed me deeply. I let her take control as I rested my hand in her side.

"I love you," she said breaking the kiss.

"I love you too," I kissed her softly.

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