"I'll show you where to go." She said touching my hand. I pulled away and started driving. I know Paul said to drive slow but at this moment I just want to drop her off before a single pap got a picture.

- - - -

The whole car ride was silent except for Emily giggling and trying to touch me which I did not let her. In a matter of 30 min I was parked in front of her house. I looked around and was glad that the house was secluded which meant no paps.

"Can you walk me up front? It's the least you could do." Emily said smiling at me.

I let out a sigh and nodded since she couldn't even walk straight. We got out and she walked over to my door waiting for me. We walked up to her front steps and she looked at me smiling but then turned around trying to open her door. She turned around and smirked up at me.

"Thanks." She said and I turned around to leave but was stopped as she turned me around and put her lips to mine.

It took me awhile to process what was happening and I noticed my hands were akwardly around her waist as my eyes were wide. I pushed her off.

"Good night Harry." She smirked and went inside while I stayed outside running my hands thru my hair.

I walked back to the car pissed and just kicking and punching anything. Why am I so stupid? Why the hell did I have to do that?! I looked around franticly looking for any type of cameras behind the bushes or trees.

I let out a sigh as there was nobody around. I started the engine and drove home as fast as I could thanking God that nobody got that picture and followed me or else I would have no way to explain that to Claire.

- - - -

Saturday morning I woke up at noon and walked to Louis room. I need to tell him what happened yesterday. It was noon so all the lads had to be awake but all their rooms were empty. I walked to the small kitchen we had in our hotel room and found a note on the counter.


Odd. Wonder why I didn't go? I shrugged it off and checked the time. It was 3:30 ish so they should be back in a few hour so I decided to make myself something to eat and go watch some tv.

The spaghetti I made myself was delicious if I do say so myself. I brought the plate to the living room we had and grabbed the remote, turning the tv on.

There was a movie so I watched that but after it finished there was really nothing on at that moment so I just started flipping randomly to any channel. E news was on so I decided to just watch that since nothing else was on.

Justin Bieber was on for peeing in a bucket? Which is gross. Miley Cyrus was engaged? She was cute I guess.

I was finishing my food and about chocked when I heard:

"Harry styles cheated on Claire Woods?"

I put my plate down and turned up the volume.

"Yes sadly Harry has cheated on Claire while she herself is doing charity work in Africa. Pictures surfaced this morning of him kissing another girl but it's the same girl he was seen with last time. Twitter has gone crazy over this and Claire fans are not happy. One Direction fans are pissed at Harry for being a jerk and are even signing a petition for kicking him out the band?"

"I would sign that but in other news Bestie Demi Lovato has came out and said how disgusted she is and I quote "If I was a guy I would be bragging about my girlfriend saying how she's doing charity work instead of going out with other girls." Ouch! There is no doubt she's talking about Harry and she's not the only one Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Nick Jonas, Logan Henderson and other celebs close to Claire have commented. #Harrycheated #Harryisacheater and #Harryisajerk are trending on Twitter and what makes it worse is Claire is coming back in a few-"

I turned the tv off and threw the remote on the floor. There was a knock at the door and I looked at the time. It was 5:50 ish so it must be the lads.

I walked over and opened the door waiting to be beat the shit out of but instead Emily was standing in front of me. The person I least want to see.

"What do you want just leave I really don't want to see your face." I was about to slam the door but she stopped me and pushed past me.

"Harry those pictures I'm sorry." She said looking at me. "I was drunk and I'm really sorry!"

"Just please leave." I was breathing pretty fast and I just wanted to punch the shit out of something.

"You don't understand Harry." She got closer and put her arms around my neck. "I didn't mean for this to happen." I tried pulling her off but she had a stronger grip and she forced my lips on hers.

She dragged me to the couch and threw us on it while her lips were still attached to mine. My hands were at her waist trying to pull her off.

"Harry?" I turned around and saw her standing their with her eyebrows furrowed looking at me then to Emily. "What's going on?"

Shit. No!

A/N YAYYY A new chapter!!! ^_^ oh and yea Harry cheated -.-

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