You And I/ Together Once More

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I want to give you pieces of me so when I am gone you can use them to paint the story of how you fell in love with me. The story of how each piece marked a new discovery. I want to give you a story, a memory, something you can write about. I want to be something, someone you will remember. I want to be an entourage, the piece that makes your life complete. I want you to draw in a picture a face of me and how every feature reminds you of a specific day. How every memory connects to each piece. I want you to hold up every piece of me, paint me into walls so the world can see how you experienced me. How you met me. How you became the first to get close enough to know me. I need you to be able to complete it. Sing about me, and in every melody, release every emotion that you feel for me. I want you to put me down like a road map and read me out loud till you have fixed me into a puzzle you understand. I want you to map it out and paint it with every crack in its wholeness. I want you to walk on it as you sing so you can stop in each crack and tell the story of how you got there, what it felt like and how much it took for you to get there. I need you to write about me when I am gone, with wild emotion and present it with most boldness, because I have given you me, all of me and I want you mark down every moment you'll always remember and I know the day it is complete, the day you sing it out loud staring at your masterpiece, you will be free, you'll be with me, oh my darling I'll be yours again. You with me.

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