A Note To My One True Love

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Have you ever met someone who you love so much that you refuse to move on from them? Not because you can’t but just because you don’t want to you know? Like you just feel they deserve all of you and more, just by merely existing they become more than the world to you, it can be very overwhelming at times but in a good way. When you look at them and you feel as though your heart is filled with air and you just look down so they don’t see how nervous they make you. Like it’s not a matter of the fact that you don’t want to move on, it’s not because you can’t, you just won’t. It’s like having a mother or a father these biological beings you can only have once in your lifetime on earth and that’s just what he/she becomes, a rare jewel that no amount of money in the world could buy. When you feel the power of being in possession of such great love, everything in the world just feels a lot more than okay, it’s so damn exceptional, you feel like a leader of a gang and nothing in this world can bring you down. Like it doesn’t even feel like luck or destiny it feels like purpose. It feels amazing man it’s the greatest feeling in the world and when it’s taken away, the core of your world loses meaning and all surroundings that were once lit like the night sky become blur and everything slowly fades away.

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