Rest In My Soul

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I want you to seek shelter in my heart, tare through my flesh with your wounded soul, move around my bloodstream leaving traces of your pain, find your way to my heart and dig a hole big enough to bury your soul around the walls of my heart, cover yourself with my blood, warm enough to heat your cold soul. Make my heart your safe haven, let it be your hiding place, connect your soul with mine so we can join our hearts and within them make our home. I want you to circulate around my body, freely spreading your truth into my system, free yourself, dance to the rhythm of my heart, let the rhythm encourage your spirit to fly. Lay on me babe, rest your head on my soul, let it wipe your tears and guide your vision, let my naked soul wash away your worries, let my every touch burn away your fears, let me unleash your inner peace, I want to bear your forbidden fruit, let me be your cave and as for me, I have extended branches to your heart I hope you accept them.

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